what?! first post in HOW MANY months!???

Nov 13, 2005 22:00


yes, you read that correctly, seven flippin' months.

yes, i know i suck.

yes, i am going to try to post frequently for now on.

yes, i am more likely to post wondorous posts if you all leave wondorous comments.

yes, that was a subliminal message.

yes, i'm being very lame by talking like this. So I'm gonna STOP.

How have you all been? I know I haven't posted in forever cause i'm wrapped up in myspace. Actually, I just haven't really been on the internet that much these days. I'm not addicted to the internet like i use to be. I only go on like 3 times a week now, sometimes only once a week. There's a lot more going on in my life this year. I'm now a FRESHMAN IN HIGHSCHOOL! (holy crap) I still can't believe that I'm in highschool, that colleges are looking at me now, that i'll be at college in four years! Honestly, in the past 3 months or so of highschool I have learned one major thing: I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP!!!!!!!!! I'm sure everyone goes through the phase I'm going through, so u all can relate when I say that growing up sucks. I want to be a kid forever, the older you get the more u have to do. But u do get more freedom and that's mad wicked. There is so much freedom is highschool it's unbelieveable, i won't even bother trying to explain it.

All my grades are good(all A's and one B+) and marching band is the best ever--i'm sad that it's ending in a week!! (yes, i may be a band fag, oh well, sue me!) I'm also making some more friends and getting pretty close with them. But on the negative side: I've lost a lot of friends who moved or I just don't see any more. I still don't have a BFF4L!!!!!!!!!! The worst thing is, I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND or even just a boy. I'm freakin 14 years old in highschool and have still yet to get my first kiss. u have no idea how lonely that makes me feel, how worthless and how unfulfilled. Ugh, it just sucks.

Okay, I didn't come  here to wine in my first post in months. Although this is LJ. So I'm gonna leave on a happy note...

COMMENT ME <333333333333333333


♥check out the MYSPACE  and see the sexy devil me!   haha, i wish

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