Jun 11, 2008 15:37
I missed you!!
It's been almost two months, can't believe how things have changed. christ.... :)
UP UNTIL THE DAY BEFORE, i was studying for my counselling entrance exam, n now I'm meeting with animation studio execs, to get them to help me decide from where I should be making my way in... :)
I was so happy, didn't even notice how nervous Me was... it just got over, .... :)
Things with annie still be craaaaapy... but, atleast I have this, n I dont' think anything's gonna get me down... the only thing that got me remotely , well, depressed, was when I realized that one of these exec-types saw my yaoi; the worst part was when he started to describe it to the art directors at Ambi, as some "seriously freaky stuff"... but they didn't get it... n I love him for not elaborating... :)
I'm in dadar, n me darlin smurfy just fed me some cheesy eggy sandwich... :)
I love my life, but I need to start doin some serious work.... I know waht I wanna do. I'm on the right path.... just a bit nervous... just two days ago, it was just me n my psychotics... :)