Jul 22, 2004 13:35
But I was going through my inbox and found this editorial that I got from Epitaph...I thought it was good so I saved it...so I thought I'd share it with you guys to see what you thought...
(Send submissions to webmonkey@epitaph.com)
Fantasy, Ignorance, and the Pursuit of Happiness
In a world with so much evil and evil doing, we can’t help but rely on
entertainment to take us away from the stress of our lives and the
unpleasantness of the world. But, how much is too much? Where is the line
between living in this world and living in another. Where is the line between
knowing what is going on and not knowing what happens in this world. You need to
know where you stand in this life, know what you are and what you stand for. Yes
the unpleasantness of the world is a great unpleasantness, but you should know
what is going on. Otherwise, how will it change? How will life get better? How
will your life have meaning? Is it meaningful to know all about made-up
characters and the made-up lives of these characters?
Ignorance is the key to a happy life, in one so bad as this one. But nothing
will change for the better, only the worse. Not everyone can be happy in
ignorance, some are stuck in a bad world. Stuck in-between a war; or stuck in
Iran, where if you have an opinion, you are put in jail and beaten. Not
everyone’s life is as good as yours, you are privileged. As one who can make a
difference, make one. Learn about the world. Intelligence is power. Will your
life be happy if you know how horrible our world really is?, well, no. But if
you make a difference, life will be better than it is now, you will have more
meaning, and you will have more power and strength.
Make a difference, give your life meaning. Learn about the world. Change it.