Final Posts, Part 2

Oct 25, 2006 19:56

ME: For FUCKS sake Heather, stop harrassing Cay. She will NEVER be your friend again, you have royally FUCKED up any chance of that, much less any chance of EVER being with her. Go confess your undieing love to some other girl, perhaps one that IS a lesbian/bi. I know you like other girls too, I've heard of your other crushes from people.

Is it some sort of childish revenge? Do you want Cay to have a nervous breakdown or commit suicide?

How can you be such a bitch? and such a horrible horrible human being? If you ever EVER cared about her, you would let her go so she can make her own decisions and not impose your will FOR ONCE in your misserable disgusting existence.

You make me absolutely sick, as you would anyone who truly knows your nature and how you can be. You're showing your true colors right now.

HER: I DO NOT WANT CAY AS A GIRLFRIEND. I want her to be my friend. You tell me then. How is she paying me back. No paying me back, no stopping this.

ME: When she gets a fucking job!

So, money is more important to you then Cay? More important then another human being? You constantly prove me right about everything bad I say about you.

HER: YOU JUST FUCKING TOLD ME THERE WAS NO WAY SHE WOULD BE MY FRIEND. Money is NOT more important to me then Cay, but if I have no friend in her, I want my money back. She said she would pay it back, so I expect it. If she will be my friend, she and I can talk about it. Hell, if she will talk to me she and I can talk about it. She is jerking me around here and I hate it. I will let her go if she has an honest phone conversation with me about when and how she is sending my money.

ME: Wow, impose your will some more you horrible bitch. If you want something from someone, you don't act this way.

Do you have any sort of intelligence? She OBVIOUSLY cannot pay you back now, there is no point in harrassing her when there is NOTHING that can be done.

Threatening to take her to court, and have your friends lie under oath, is illegal, btw.

Harrassment is illegal, btw.

Being a bitch who harrasses and threatens someone who never did them wrong, thats not illegal, but it sure says a whole lot about your character.

HER: You are COMPLEATLY wrong. I wouldnt take Cay to court. You tell her she needs to talk to me herself. I dont want to hear from you EVER again. You are a horrible person who keeps making lies about me. I am tired of it. You dont know me, you dont know the truth, so shut your mouth before you say something you will really regret. Or will end up regretting.

Tell Cay to deal with me herself. I wont leave her alone until she settles things with me. Not just the money. Other things too. And no, I dont mean I want her myself. I dont. So fuck off. Bastard.

ME: Yeah, i'm horrible. So very very horrible, because I called you out for what you are.

Oh, while were talking, what is this about calling the cops, and telling them I raped Cay? Getting your friends to lie along with you? Sounds like jealousy.

Nah, you couldn't be jealous, thats not like someone who claims to have no interest in her. But if you aren't jealous, then what right do you have to do that shit? Another illegal act for the purpose of money, and getting me involved? You have no values, ethics, or any concern for the well being of ANYONE but yourself.

What am I gonna regret saying? Are you gonna snap and doing something illegal to hurt me?

Are you gonna do something else to prove me right?

Am I gonna show this conversation and continue to show off your true character to everyone I know online? Hell yes, and I won't stop, until you stop harrassing Cay.

HER: You are wrong. I want Cay to do what is right and treat me right. Which means she needs to talk to me. I will be reporting you for harrassment and blocking you. I never did anything Illegel involving money, and i never called the police and told them you raped cay. I never did any of that. I swear that. That is where you are wrong the most. Tell Cay I need the phone back please. I have a friend here who is willing to pay me for it because he got kicked out of his house...parents are nasty sometimes.

(SHE SETS ME TO "Ignored", so this next one was never sent)

ME: I wasn't saying that you called them, I sayed that you threatened to. And I hear that Cat is still threatening to as well, because of your lies and spreading rumors.

Stop harrassing Cay, that is all I'm asking and I will do nothing for you. I still don't believe have the words that come from your mouth, dishonorable backstabbing liers can never be trusted.

Sure, report me all you want, you continued this conversation even though you could put me as "Ignored" at any time. You're a real smart one.


For purposes of evidence:

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