Apr 30, 2005 22:24
heyy , quick update..
monday - school, volleyball game - lost =/
tuesday - volleyball practice= fun.. basketball game lost =[ !
wednesday- start of school field trip.. st. augustine =]
thrusday- tallahasse , governors mansion, new and old capitol
buildings.. lunch- pictures - craker barrel =], bus ridee 2
friday- islands of adventure =] fun .. spiderman, dudley do right,
dueling dragons, popeye.. missed my chance 4 hulk =/ but ill go on at
the 8th grade feild trip =]
friday nite came home, showered sleptt... this morning woke up at 9 ..
had a soccer game vs PBU in boca, won 1-0. . then came home..2nite went
2 oasis w/ sara, christy, katie, kelly, maria, michi, kristen..ate at
cheeburger x2 and saw a lot like love w/ ashton kutcher
comment xO. nikki