Jul 09, 2006 21:35
Where to start?
I had an AMAZING time at Amanda's cottage with her, I love her so much. bestfriend. You are an incredible person my love, you know it. Do what makes you happy. <3 Now, if only we could figure out the "situation."
Kendra is always with that boy, I mean not that that's a bad thing or anything, I just don't want to lose my sister. I am so glad she's happy, I've never seen her smile so real, but I never see her. Sure, it's only been a week, but I feel like second best, maybe that's what happens when people grow up? I just don't want to lose her. nope.
I leave for Hope College Soccer Camp on Sunday.
I start working in Food Services at Michigan's Adventure on Wednesday.
I still babysit a few days a week.
Tennis starts August 9th, which seems like a long time away, like a whole month. but it's really just around the corner, and from there, comes the start of school. And yah, I've had a blast this summer, but I don't feel like I'm making it the best I can. I want the rest of my summer to be UNFORGETABLE. I want to spend every waking free moment with my friends. I want my parents to stop yelling at me and picking apart everything about me. I want to laugh and I want to love. I want to smile and tell secrets. I want to sleep on the beach and watch shooting stars with my best friend. I want to forget about my past and be the person I am.
Italy won the World Cup. :) I'm all smiles about it. ha. <3
:-:-:-:-Quote of the day.-:-:-:-:-: Someone should sue Disney, for making every girl believe she has a Price Charming.*
I love Kim too, she puts up with so much more crap than she needs to. ugh girl, stick up for yourself. <3
Michelee Foos, you have so been shot! lol, I Love you Girl! and I miss spending so much time with you, but hey, now when we do see each other it gives us even more things to talk about laugh about and think about, and hey.... we even get to cuddle. lol. I Love You.*
I guess I have rambled for long enough, however I feel like I have so much more to say, I think most of it needs to be a heart to heart with a best friend, or a sister if either have time for me?
Oh well, until then, I Love You. <3
P.S. We got 3 sets of fireworks, and an amazing storm, cuz we're awesome. <3