Apr 25, 2005 21:02
Well exams are going swell. LOL not. I may fail my anatomy exam, which is AWFUL, but I'll probably take it over, since it's so very important for my major. The teacher we have just gives us an overwhelming amount of information and it's very difficult to learn that much in such a short time!
Anyways...yesterday I took my English exam,
today I will be attempting that one, and my history of jazz exam.
Tomorrow I have my social psych. and western civ exams
and Thursday I have my first aid/safety.
Then...I am out of here!! We were all talking about how we want to stay an extra week without any school or anything, just to party with everyone before the summer haha - I WISH!
But I'm going to study just in case I can get over a 60 on my anatomy exam ;) haha