Mar 23, 2005 19:58
Well practice today was the usual.....FRUSTERATING AS FUCK.
Anyways. I'm so glad it's thursday tomorrow. No more tests, my paper is done and due tomorrow, AND....SEAN is coming!!! :)
We are probably going to chill tomorrow, since I don't have practice - hip hip hooray. And Friday we are visiting Amy at UCF and probably going to a party, which will be fun. I haven't been out in a while!
Well nothing is new really. Just a lot of school work lately..and pretty soon we're gonna be able to sign up for classes and housing arrangements. Twinner and I really, really want to live in a suite next year..but we'll see how that goes!
As for now I'm going to make a bajillion more anatomy flashcards...
I swear we have to know 1,000 muscles in this freakin class!
Then...everyone knows it's the SIMPLE LIFE at 9:30!!! AHH! I love those girls!!
I'm out. Leave me lots of sexy comments.