May 04, 2011 15:29
I despise Liberty University more than I despise the New York Yankees.
I actually don't even have words to describe how utterly furious I am right now, but ranting on here is keeping me from posting an angry facebook status.
They have screwed me over SOOOO many times. I am officially DONE with that place. I can't wait to get the heck out. And who knows when that will be at this point.
My advisor, upon informing me that they wouldn't let me take the classes I needed this semester, told me that I could register for two intensives beginning immediately following graduation. I would still be eligible to walk, and I'd have my degree by mid June.
I was informed today, a week and a half before graduation and less than two weeks before the class was scheduled to start, that they've decided to cancel it.
Excuse me????????
It's not offered again over the summer. In fact, it's offered in the fall but is already full anyway, though I WILL have my friggen degree before that point. They will excuse me from this course. I will throw a fit until they do. I am lkjesfsjklfsjlkksdfs