its not so far away anymore

Oct 12, 2005 21:17

i dont know how so many people are blind to it:

Asia Earthquake-35,000+ dead
Pakistan got an aftershock just a while ago.
New Orleans.
Asia Tsunami.
Iraq War.
The floods in central America.
The AIDS epidemic.
Homosexual marriage.
Parents raping their children.
Children killing parents.
The extremely active hurricane season we've had.

I can't see how people are so blind. How many unbelievers there are. Rappers calling themselves gods [see: Ja-Rule and J-Z]. Time is running out.
Maybe that's why I don't stress college apps or military enlistment. Cuz I feel it in my bones, that we wont make it that long.
It's very possible I'll die a virgin, with no husband or kids. And that's ok. But I'm aware that the end is so near.

Recap of my several end-of-world [eow which is woe backwards, ironically enough]:
1. Happened on December 31: I dont remember it clearly but I remember it was a lot of chaos. I was at school w/some friends. sort of open-house ish. But everyone knew the end was here. I asked Mr. Dansky [us history] what was happening. He's Jewish. He said: it's the Jews. It's their time. They're rising. The Armageddon is here.
2. I'm w/my mom at the bank. Suddenly, someone takes her away. I'm left w/a stranger who later leads me outside. I meet my mom outside in the car. We start driving and suddenly it is night [dark=evil]. We drive down this street where there is complete chaos. A mini mardi-gras basically. Prostitution, drinking etc. All the worse. It's there. The end.
3. There's a big group of us students. We're at some big building. Suddenly we all start running because something is coming. I think the first one is an earthquake. Some die. Next is a tornado. Some die. We run to higher ground because we know water is coming. We are in a high gazeabo. A tidal wave comes. Most die. There's few of us left. We all crowd against the back wall because we see a great ball of fire coming straight towards us. I wake up.
4. Johanna calls me. She sounds like she's sad and really wants to talk to me. I say I can't make it but for some reason I make a u-turn and go to her. Her mother [in the dream] owns a restaurant. I order food. Johanna comes to my car. I am in the front seat, she is in the back. As soon as she enters my car, she turns into a creature. It's almost an elf mixed w/vampires you would see on "from dusk till dawn" or the creatures from LOTR, but it's worst. It is a leper creature. Snot coming out of his nose like crazy. It is trying to tell me something and instinct is to cover its mouth. It's throwing itself at me as it says:"there will come a day when we will have to wear these numbers....listen...the numbers...the numbers" I muffle its voice and keep it back. Then I tell it that we will not because God is with us and we are protected by the blood of Jesus Christ. I struggle with a bit more as it tries to overpower me and then with great force I fling it out of the car through an open door some 20 feet. It lands by it's mom feet but only I see it. To its mom, it is Johanna.
5. Colleen comes into my shop. I am aware that she's never been there before. I go around the counter to hug her but as I'm doing so, she turns into an innocent little girl of 7 or so. She tells me: "the tickets are in the luggage. Find the tickets and flee. From Katrina. It's coming." The first thing that pops into my mind: there will come a time when men will look for death but it will flee from them.

People, open your eyes. God is love, but he is also just. I want to be with you in the afterlife. Repent for your sins and accept Jesus Christ, for the Second Coming of the Lord is upon us.

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