Mar 05, 2007 20:55
I'm back from "Spring Break", which we apparently refer to as Winter Recess. It was kinda lonely cuz no one else really has the same break as me and none of my friends here really did anything except go home. I got to be a lazy bum tho, but that's not so different from every day. At least I got to spend time with my family and Ricky, who was trying to fatten me up with cookies.
So I decided that I'm going to apply to be the LV girl's JV coach. They don't even have a varsity coach yet. It would be the best job ever. I get to play the sport that I love, help others reach their potentials and boss them around. And for those of you who don't know, I can be very bossy (just ask Ang). If I do get the job then I'm going to have to go back and forth from school for about a month. It will be a pain, but at least I will have something when I'm done with school. Then I have to hunt for a job for the rest of the summer.
I'm really craving some competitive volleyball. I'm on an intramural team right now, but there's only two teams in our league and the other one doesn't show up cuz they think they are too good for us. Yeah our team is not the greatest, but I don't care. I just want to play. Them bailing on us just pisses me off. They will probably only show for the championship game and I hope we cream them.
I can't wait until summer and warmer weather. Then we can play sand volleyball all the time. Summer is just the best. No school, endless possibilities and my birthday! Why won't it come already?