DEBS fanfiction chapter 10

Nov 09, 2010 21:45

Title: debs chapter 10
Author: Your name/username
Rating: pg-13

Chapter 10

As Brittany and Quinn were walking down the hallway of the school the questions were fired at Quinn, it was a lot of rumors going around the school.

“Oh my god, is it true?”

“Did you really fight Rachel Berry?”

“I heard you cut off her hand. Does she still have her hand?”
Quinn was shocked as she heard all of these things being asked and she had no idea on what she was going to say. “Yes, she still has both of her hands. God.”

As the two blondes had passed by the students Brittany looked at Quinn almost like she was studying the other girl. “You know everybody is talking about it.”

“About what?” Quinn asked and she turned to Brittany as she clenched her fist, this was something that she had wanted to avoid.

“You know what I mean.” Brittany said as she looked at Quinn.

“No I have no idea.” Quinn said and tried to act like she had no idea on what this was about.

“You and me both know that I am the one that doesn’t have it all figured out but you know everything.” Brittany said and shook her head she. “How you met Berry and lived to tell the tale about it.”

“You met her too.” Quinn said and looked at Brittany, “You can tell the tale too.”

“They’re calling you a hero.” Brittany said and took a breath before she continued one. “When, really, you’re a slut.”

“You keep your mouth shut.” Quinn said and turned to Brittany. “You don’t say a word.”

“A gay slut.” Brittany said as she walked up next to Quinn and it was almost like a whisper.

“I’m not gay!” Quinn almost yelled, she knew that she wasn’t gay and she had to defend herself no one was going to claim that she was gay.

“Ms. Sylvester wants to see you.” Brittany said as she skipped passed the other blonde and she acted the same way that she always did, she could change the subject just like that and Quinn had no idea on what Brittany was talking about.

“What? Brittany!”

As Quinn walked inside the room she had no idea on what was going on. “What is happening?”


“She is coming down here.” Santana said and it almost looked like she was drooling.

“Here? Why?” Quinn asked this made her all kind of nervous especially after what had happened last night. “She never comes here.”

And in that moment Sue Sylvester and her assistant were morphing in and it wasn’t just the two of them, Mr. Schue was also there and what looked like some kind of journalist.

Santana was the first one that noticed that they were there, and she couldn’t help herself she was in a second right in front of Ms. Sylvester.

“Ms. Sylvester, I would just like to say…” Santana started off but was cut off before she had a chance to finish what she as trying to say.

“Who are you?” Sylvester asked and almost looked like she was interested in what Santana was saying.

“Santana Lopez.”

“Well, Santana Lopez, my time is precious.” Ms. Sylvester said and looked at the Latina. “And to be perfectly honest with you, you are waiting it.” And then she turned the assistant. “Where is the girl?”

“Fabray comma Quinn?”

Quinn just raised her hand to show that she was the girl that they were asking for and Sue looked at her. “You.” And as she had said that she grabbed Quinn by her arm and dragged her from her friends and they were all looking at her.

“Perfect.” Sue said as she had turned to the journalist. “Well, take one over here.” And Quinn was standing next to her and Ms. Sylvester had her arm around the blonde, and the photo was snapped and they moved to another place in the room and this time Quinn was pushed down on a chair.

“Excellent. You should sit.” Sue said and looked at Quinn before she stood behind the blonde and another photo of the two of them was taken.

“Chill.” Quinn said under her breath so that no one would hear her; this was not what she wanted to do.

“First…” Ms. Sylvester said and looked over at her assistant waiting for the woman to tell her the name of the girl that was sitting in front of her.


“Right, Quinn.” Ms. Sylvester said and turned to Quinn “Let me firs say how delighted I am to meet you.”
Quinn couldn’t believe what it was that she was hearing this didn’t really sound like something that Ms. Sylvester would say to anyone so the blonde just sat there quite.

“When I heard that one of our girls…” Ms. Sylvester said and leaned over the table that was separating Quinn and the older woman. “…had actually engaged Rachel Berry of all people and lived to tell the tale…”

Quinn could tell that Ms. Sylvester was literally glowing as she told her about what she was feeling as she had realized that one of her girls had met Rachel Berry.

“I mean, you should have seen Figgins over at Central Intelligence…” Sue said and mused as she thought about this reaction. “…he nearly peed his pants, he was so jealous.” Quinn just blinked she had no idea what this had to do with her and why she needed to hear about this.

“Just so you know this stunt is really going to put our organization on the map in more ways than one.”

”You know Shelby from Interpol called and wanted to congratulate you.” The assistant said as she looked up from her papers.

“I’ll bet she did.” Sue said with an almost superior voice.

“This is just so fun to listen to.” Santana said as she turned to Kurt and Brittany neither one of the said anything.

“So moving on.” Sue said and turned back to Quinn. “Now, Quinlan”


“Right, Quinn.” Sue said, she didn’t really remember names and she didn’t care about that either. “We are going to need a description of the encounter that you had with Rachel.”

“The encounter?” Quinn asked and swallowed, she wasn’t sure on what she was going to say about that, there were some things that she didn’t want them to know.

“Everything that happened…” Sue said and looked Quinn in the eyes. “… no matter how small or if you think that it would be irrelevant.”

“Why?” Quinn asked she normally didn’t question these kind of things but she didn’t want to do this it felt like she was betraying the trust that she had gotten from Rachel, but she was a spy and this was not how she should feel about this.

“To profile her, of course.” Ms. Sylvester said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “No one has ever been this close to Rachel Berry before.”

“You should just know how close.” Brittany said under her breath, but there was someone that heard her.

“B, what do you mean by that?” Santana asked and looked at the blonde.

“Nothing.” Brittany said as she remembered what Quinn had told her last night.

“You are the leading expert on this.” Ms. Sylvester said as she looked at Quinn who just wanted to forget about this.

“I’m no expert.” Quinn said as she tried to play this down.

“To underestimate yourself is a really bad quality you need to get a better confident.” Sue said as she studied the blonde on the other side of the table. “I did some studying of your files.”

“What?” Quinn asked she couldn’t believe what Ms. Sylvester said, it was her private files and no one was supposed to read those.

“It’s an interesting reading I must say.” Sue said and starting to turn some papers that she had in front of herself as she started to read out loud. “It’s a man’s world: Rachel Berry and Psychology of Cultural Criminality.”

“Oh God.” Quinn said and hid her face in her hands, she knew what was coming.

“Rachel Berry…” Sue continued “… is at once a narcissistic sociopath and a victimized girl-child…” Ms. Sylvester looked down on her paper before she continued on. “…eternally searching for the love of her fathers.”

Quinn didn’t look up this was not something that she wanted everyone to know about but she couldn’t think of anything that she could say.

“Her crimes could be viewed in different ways such as a desperate cry for help.” Sue read and she was impressed with what she was reading. “The more she steals, the deeper her feeling of emptiness and aloneness gets.”

Quinn closed her eyes and waited for the blow to come, this couldn’t be good, no one would understand what this was about.


“Quinn.” The assistant corrected, that was almost the only thing she was there for and she looked up and she saw Mr. Schue standing there and she couldn’t help but to smile and he did just the same.

“I think that you can identify yourself with Rachel Berry.” Sue said and Quinn just stared she had never thought about identify herself with Rachel. “I think that she sees your pathos.”

“She can’t see my sadness.” Quinn said as she looked at Ms. Sylvester. “I’m not sad and if she reads me like that then she is wrong.”

“I don’t think so the two of you seem to have some kind of symbiosis going on.”Ms. Sylvester said.

“I played the cymbals in school.” Brittany said and both Santana and Kurt looked at the blonde confused, they had no idea on where that came from.

Sue Sylvester turned to her assistant. “What is the movie, you know with Jodie and the dog that falls in the well with the lotion?”

“Silence of the lambs.” The assistant answered in a blink of and eye.

“Quinn, you are the lamb.” Ms. Sylvester said and looked Quinn straight in the eyes. “We can use that to our advantage.” Quinn’s eyes widen and she couldn’t believe what she was hearing and when Sue Sylvester continued on her eyes gotten even bigger. “I’m putting you in charge of the rest of this investigation.”

“What?” Quinn asked as she was able to speak again.

“You are from now on the captain of this team.”

“No.” Santana almost yelled, she was the captain and Quinn couldn’t just walk in and take her place just liked that.

“Is there a problem?” Sue asked as she looked at Santana waiting for the girl to say something.

“Excuse me, ma’am but I am the captain of this team.” Santana said, she was going to fight to keep this position.

“Miss…?” Ms. Sylvester asked as she looked at Santana.


“Lopez. There is a killer on the loose, here.” Ms. Sylvester said as she bored her eyes into the girl’s. “There is no time for big egos and from what I can tell yours if pretty big. And one more thing before I leave, this isn’t the girl scouts this is espionage!”

Both Santana and Quinn looked at Ms. Sylvester as she was crazy and neither of them could believe what just had happened.

“We all have a chance to something here.”Sue Sylvester said before she left.

“You should listen to Ms. Sylvester.” Mr. Schuester said. “You guys have a chance to do something here, something really special take that chance.”

“Like that would matter anyway.” Santana said she was starting to get back to her bitchy attitude that she knew that she would needed to survive this with Quinn in charge.

“Don’t let us down.” Mr. Schuester said as he turned to Quinn. “You should ready your troops; you will be heading out soon. That’s all, you are all dismissed.”

“Santana!” Quinn yelled after her friend as the Latina left the room as soon as she could, if there was one thing she wouldn’t do and that was to stay in the same room as Quinn if she didn’t have too.

chapter 11 will be up soon too so please let me know what you think.

quinn, art: fic, debs, rachel, crossover, faberry, glee

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