Boys are stupid....throw rocks at them

Oct 31, 2005 22:39

So Adam came over today.  While he was over and was writing his paper he got a phone call from Trent.  Trent decided to tell him that there was a haunted mansion in Fond du Lac and that him and Al wanted to go.  Al is new friend of Adams that he has met through school. Adam tells him that he has to finish his paper first.  I hear this and I asked him if he planned on leaving when he was done and he told me no.  So then I was happy again, because hearing that he was going to leave after he was done with his paper made me quite upset.  So then we continued on our happy way.  Then I went to the bathroom and when I came back he was on the phone again.  He was telling the person that he was almost done with his paper and that he only had one paragraph to type.  So then I asked him again if he was planning on leaving after he was done and he told me no, then did a whistle thing that he always does when he is lying.  So I of course got upset with him and walked away.  I went and layed on my bed, then when he was finally done with his paper he came over by me.  I was still upset and he asked why.  I hate when people ask why you are angry when clearly they know the reason.  So I said why do you think I am mad.  He was like because I am leaving.  Then he continued to tell me that he didn't even plan on coming over, that he was just going to go to the library and finish his homework but then decided to come over here.  Which always makes a girl feel good.  Oh well I wasn't going to hang out with you anyway but I felt forced kinda thing.  Then he continued to tell me that just because we weren't sitting next to each other and....I don't know what else he planned on saying because I rolled over and told him to just leave then.  By this time I was just about in tears.  So he walked away, instead of coming and apologzing and giving me a hug, and went and put his shoes on then looked at me for a while.  By this time I was crying and it didn't even seem like he cared.  So he walked out of the room.  I am so mad at him right now.  Last night I don't even know when he got back to Fond du Lac but when he got back he went to the library until about 10:45 and then came over and typed a paper.  He didn't finish the paper until 12:00 and then he left at 12:30.  The whole time he typed the paper we didn't talk.  It was like he didn't even care that he was gone for the weekend.  I know it was only two days that he was away from me but I still missed him.  I hate thinking that he didn't even miss me the slightest bit.  So right now my phone is turned off so that I don't have to talk to him.  He makes me so mad sometimes.  I guess once again Trent comes before me.  Even Al a guy he just met comes before his girlfriend of 1 year and almost 8 months!  Ridicolous, sometimes he makes me feel like absolute shit.  Sorry, I think I am a little better now.  I apologize for this giant rant, but I had to get it out.
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