Dec 15, 2004 19:44
Whats up guys......
I kinda forgot baout this thing but then this chickita MELANIE was talking about it and was like erin...livejournal... and i was liek MELANIE...OK
yea htat was nohtign liek it went but hte point is that she reminded me of it!!!
So the last time i updated was thaknsgiving i think!!
Yea thats kinda sad!
So those who REALLY need updateing i go to NNHS.. JK no i am on the track team as a hurdeler ;) YEA MELANIE! and i WAS a beast but now my track life is put on hold because i prained/pulled my hamstring we are not positive of which one but w/e all i know is that i am out for a few days :(
So today i saw in the SOA (Simulated Outdoor Arena) and talked to brenna about boys!!! YES! and other things our convo jsut started about her "crush" on Clay and we went form there and hten we talked abotu our injuries and yea it was fun!! Then i wanted to do the take your marks set go thingy but then JT decided to use the gun so i was shafted!! O well! s then i went ohome and did nothing!!.......................MELANIE I MISS MY HURDLEING PARTNER!!!
So the past weeks have been ok i dont hink anyhting to important has happened....EXCEPT FOX 25 news at 10 was at our school today.... DUN DUN DUN..... today was TOBGLAD day and during C BLOCK soem "adults" were in the little theatre and were sitting in the top row and asked brett and mike if they were forced to come to the assembly if they were gay... and all those q's and then brett relaized htat hey were video taping/ voice recording him and mike and hte assembly so BRett said somethign along the lines of "TURN THAT THING OFF NOW AND PUT IT AWAY..." then the teachers came then ms huntington vcame and then the police.... they took away the ppl and then i dont knwo what happened after that so WATCH THE NEWS TONIGHT!!! YEA we think what htey were trying to do was show people that newton is looking so good because they are trying to BRainwash theire kids........ OKK!!
ON that note did youknow htat NNHS was the collest school in america a couple years aog!! (according ot teen people!!!)
SOOOO.. what else to talk about....
SO i gues i will end it there
i really do need to ice my hamstring again....