Oct 31, 2007 00:05
not happy with the spanish department, at all.
So i was kinda frusterated that by my percieved fluke in their system, once you get to the "upper levels" of the program there is hardly any grammar or language improvement involved in the courses, they are mostly like...cultural issues or studies of moderinzation and literature and stuff....but not much to specifically deal with the language, aside from a few.
when it comes to putting your spanish to use, it is verrrrry rare that anybody cares if you've read one moer cortazar poem, memorized the reasons for a civil war or even understand fully the issues latin american countries face today if you cant CONJUGATE A VERB INTO THE SUBJUNCTIVE OR USE DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS!!!
there is a intro to linguistics course i am required to take. also i encountered A FEW which kinda get at the language aspect i think should be essential to a spanish major: phonology morphology and syntax, sociolinguistics, semantics and pragmatics, or topics in linguistics. BUTTT the intro course is a prerequisite for all of them, so they have set up the major that you could graduate with only one (intro to linguistics) real language analysis type of course.
comming to terms with the language topics i figured i wouldn't be learning in class... i went into the spanish writing center to take advantage of the tutors that sit around there all day.... and they TURNED ME DOWN. appppparently, once you pass 1004 (the basic, required for everybody spanish class to get a liberal arts degree) you are no longer elegible for tutoring services, because i "should have already learned that" that= what? everythign?
cue tobias: well EXCUUUUUUUUSE ME!
and so what if i didn't... you turn me away frmo learning it but still hand me the degree?
so next semester is my ridiculous lineup of classes:
Campaigns advertising class
Introduction to spanish linguistics,
Geology and cinema! (ha. freshman science copout)
Spanish translation
Spanish Cinema
A different spanish cinema/or Issues in hispanic cultures/or Latin American discourses of Modernization.
20 freaking credits. damnit. PLUS i got the internship. thank god its at least a little informal because i'm gonna die.
the company sounds sweeet and PERFECT for what i'm studying. (mostly writing press releases in english or spanish, differnet things invovling community development and latin american cultures, tourism, volunteering, etccccc)
bahhhhhhhhh stresssss.
Angel made me the cutest things for my birthday. hahaha he's been to the post office like 23948 times and they keep sending him back only to try to mail it the next day ( contraband inside (a sucker? apparently), weight issues (back down under a kilo), postoffice personnel in one city not knowing how to mail a package???? por favor! prices, etc. its gonna cost him 60 bucks to mail the 1 kilo box. wtf. they better run their little chilean asses of and take good care of it.