Conspiracies and disappointments...

Jul 12, 2006 13:33

Ok...sorry I didnt update about World Cup semi's or finals- I was just too upset to accept the reality.  Germany fell to Italy.  Sounds like a bad WWII joke.  But they did- even though the stronger team was most definitely Germany and if they could have held it 2 more minutes, Germany would have won in PK's.  But there's no use living in the past.  France beat Portugal in the semi's also, but then they let me down in the finals.  Germany won the third place title- as they should.  But France got raped in the final.  I mean they were robbed.  Here's my theory:

The mafia stacked the game.  I mean it's completely logical: they paid Zidane off to headbutt the guy and get a red card so he would be "out of the way" and also end his career with quite a finish; they also got to Henry- that's why he nearly passed out in the first like 52 seconds of the game!!!  Then there's the suspicious "all calls are for Italy" during the entirety of the game- I mean c'mon, who gets like 400 free kicks in 90 minutes?  And then the PK's?  TWF. (most of you dont know what that means so dont assume you do, and dont worry about it either) but there's no way- in the realm of all that's fair and just- that wimpy, pathetic dramatic Italy could beat mighty France.  No way.

I was extremely disappointed, but that seems to be the pattern of the week- because my ap scores came in yesterday.  They were not pretty and no I wont post them publicly ever.  If you want to know that badly, ask me in person- in private- and maybe I'll tell you but I dont promise to.

In more cheerful news, I got my ears pierced!!!  So, I've been attempting to take care of them, however it is tedious.  I already have 7 pairs of earrings and I can only wear this one pair for 5 more weeks!  I cant wait to mix it up- and prom!  I'm going to buy dangly, extravagant earrings for prom just because I can!  haha laterz!
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