(no subject)

Dec 26, 2004 23:15

Here's a quiz thing i took when i was bored...

[ Current Clothes ] black hoody with pink writing, black shirt with pink writing, blue jeans, pink & black checkered shoes
[ Current Mood ] tired
[ Current Music ] kill hannah
[ Current Taste ] pepsi
[ Current Hair ] down and flipped out with black beanie
[ Current Annoyance ] the fizzy noise
[ Current Smell ] pepsi
[ Current Favorite Artist ] jon radtke
[ Current Desktop Picture ] picture of david s. and david g. and jack c. all humping each other
[ Current Favorite Group ] kill hannah
[ Current Book you're reading ] tale of two cities (supposed to be a tree grows in brooklyn O:-)...)
[ Current CD in CD Player] i think avril lavigne the newest one...
[ Current DVD in player] napoleon dynamite
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] clear...??
[ Current Refreshment ] pepsi
[ Current Worry ] sorry i'm not open enough to put that
[ You Touched ] probably when i handed david the phone...
[ You Talked to ] david
[ You Hugged ] julia goodwin i think...
[ You Instant messaged ] mo
[ You Yelled At ] me maja
[ Food ] bananas
[ Drink ] chocolate milkshake with whipped cream!!!
[ Color ] hot pink
[ Shoes ] my pink and black gallazs (don't know how to make that plural)
[ Candy ] those fancy chocolates that come in the velvet boxes!!
[ Animal ] dogs
[ TV Show ] full house!!!
[ Movie ] napoleon dynamite
[ Dance ] napoleon dynamite's dance!!!
[ Song ] kennedy by kill hannah
[ Vegetable ] caesar salad
[ Fruit ] bananas!!!
[ Cartoon ] spongebob!!!!
[ Understanding ] yes
[ Open-minded ] yes
[ Arrogant ] no (according to mo cuz i don't know what that means)
[ Insecure ] yes
[ Interesting ] yes (according to mo)
[ Random ] yes (according to mo)
[ Hungry ] no
[ Friendly ] depends on who i'm with
[ Smart ] very!! it's the chinese in me!!
[ Moody ] not at school, but i am at home
[ Childish ] no...
[ Independent ] yea i guess
[ Hard working ] usually... but it depends on if i want to or not
[ Organized ] haha no
[ Healthy ] sure why not i have no clue haha
[ Emotionally Stable ] no
[ Shy ] yes
[ Difficult ] sometimes but it depends on my mood
[ Attractive ] yes very haha jk i have no clue
[ Bored Easily ] yep
[ Messy] yeaaaaa
[ Thirsty ] yes
[ Responsible ] usually
[ Obsessed ] yes
[ Angry ] depends on who i'm with
[ Sad ] sometimes but depends where i am
[ Happy ] sometimes but depends where i am
[ Hyper ] at school i am or with friends
[ Trusting ] kind of, but also kind of not... it kind of depends
[ Talkative ] yes
[ Kill ] i wouldn't tell you now, would i?
[ Slap ] wouldn't wanna advertise that either now, would i?
[ Get Really Wasted With ] jon radtke!!
[ Get High With ] jon radtke!!
[ Look Like ] uhhhhhhhh no one... lol
[ Talk To Offline ] don't care...
[ Talk To Online ] don't care...
*please note that jon radtke comments were jokes!!
-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?] david and his friends
[makes you smile] friends and david and his friends
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them] crushes or people that stare at me weird or hot guys that walk buy or creepy old people that walk by... lol
[who do you have a crush on?] a guy
[has a crush on u?] a guy (hopefully...)
[is easiest to talk to] god
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] yes... haha
[save aol/aim conversations] yes
[wish u were a member of the opposite sex] no...
[cry because of someone saying something to you] yes loads of times
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend (opposite sex)] perhaps...
[been rejected] i guess you could call it that...
[rejected someone] yes
[used someone] no
[been cheated on] no
[done something you regret] yes...
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U / / C O U L D .Y O U
[smoke cigarettes] i could... but i wouldn't
[live without the computer?] i could probably...
[color ur hair] yes
[ever get off the computer] yea
[habla espanol] no
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?] 197
[drink alchohol?] yessss O:-) but only like once or twice it's not like i go out and get drunk... and my parents are right there so it's fine lol
[like watching sunrises or sunset] no
-N U M B E R-
of times I have had my heart broken? 0
of hearts I have broken? 1 maybe but not sure...
of guys I have kissed? none
of girls I have kissed? none
of continents I have lived in? 2
of tight friends? none really cuz i'm not that open and usually keep to myself unless something is really bugging me
of cd's that I own? no idea...
of scars on my body?: one

I KNOW: ummm i don't know... haha
I WANT: *him*
I HAVE: stuff... haha i don't know!!
I WISH: to snowboard!!
I HATE: certain things... people...
I MISS: springhill!!!!!
I FEAR: i don't wanna share that... haha
I HEAR: kill hannah music!!!
I SEARCH: don't wanna share that either...
I WONDER: lots of stuff
I REGRET: lots of stuff
I LOVE: god, jesus, david, friends
I ACHE: don't wanna share that (again) haha
I CARE: about stuff...?? haha i dunno
I ALWAYS: hard to explain... haha
I AM NOT: dunno... haha
I DANCE: when i am alone... haha
I SING: when i am alone, at band practice/shows
I CRY: in my room on my bed under the covers with my head under the pillow and petting my cat...
I FIGHT: a lot with my parents haha
I WRITE: poetry and songs and stories and things for lang. arts
I WIN: no idea... lol
I LOSE: no idea about that either haha
I CONFUSE: the mo
I LISTEN: when friends/people i care about talk, but not when teachers talk haha
I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND: in my room or on the computer
I NEED: god cuz he rocks my socks
I AM HAPPY: sometimes
I SHOULD HAVE: don't wanna share... haha
I SHOULDN'T HAVE: don't wanna share again lol

write comments please people!!!!

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