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May 11, 2005 01:21

breakin benj kicked some tail at that concert saturday. i was in aw...like woah. gwen is doing much better. the preacher at the funeral was very soothing, talking alot about relief and how there is no more pain and a man as great as kyle sherman does not deserve to hurt. he also spoke on how he turned his life around, completely, which is what makes all the difference because we kno he is the happiest he can be right now. my doctor and my coach are tellin me that my ankle injury is gonna cause limping after future soccer games and some major arthritis in my right foot because of "scaring of the tissue". cool stuff, in my opinion. i could just be like mom can i go see gwen.."no, john, uve seen her all week"...AHH MY ANKLE "ok ok ok"...no im kiddin, really. oh yeah and it pops when i move it now so i have something to entertain myself when im that bored. summers almost here and im majorly excited about it comin along. i was plannin on goin to the crawfish boil this weekend with gweneth but because of work we are screwed out of that entertainment. so long and goodnight. be good gweneth..
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