Aug 20, 2007 14:06
1. wear comfortable clothes for move in day, and come early.
2. don't go to the movies with your friends, and then leave your roomate all alone on the first day.
3. figure out how to eat.
4. don't wear a racoon like tail comming out of your pants on your first day of class. Actually, don't do wear the tail EVER.
5. if you are in kansas beware of emo cowboys, the ones that wear skin tight pants and a white shirt with boots and a few teeth missing or messed up.
6. beware of all cowboys if you are here in kansas
7. don't wear cowboy boots around classes, and more importantly if you ever want to spy on someone, because they are going to be able to hear you with those loud shoes.
8. do dorm activities, cuz they are fun and you want to have friends.
9. when asked what is fun to do around campus, do not say class and then not talk for the rest of the time.
10. girls, becareful shaving in the shower cuz the showers are really small.
11. leave your door open when in the room, cuz it isn't fun walking down a hallway and no doors being open.
12. be prepared for a test on your first day of US politics.
13. if you are going anywhere far away be prepared to see your parents cry.
14. if going to a dance, make sure to go with people who will actually dance.
15. don't expect many minorities here in kansas.
these really aren't real tips...well i guess some are, but most just explain what has happened these past few days here at KSU.