Nov 22, 2004 20:14
Ok, well it looks liek I'll have to do this write abotu 10 people without saying they're names.. you get the point. There's enough time before Everwood so let's see if I can pull this off...
And in NO specific order:
1. YOU are, quite possibly my greatest and closest confidante. Whether we are ranting abotu how we never get invited to ANYTHING (which seems to be changing) or whether we're watching "interesting" things on HBO, YOU are always there. YOU were one of the first to know about my ridiculous crush over the summer that I am still a little bitter about, and the first to assure me that I might have a chance. YOU, regardless of how much this may surprise you, are the one that makes my day just with your sillyness or your dirty little mind. We shared many a memory at the boardwalk this past summer between those damn spitting boys (im conviced we should refer to them as llamas, since llamas spit) and Shooting the Geek, and you, me, and your mom checkign out the hot lifeguards. We alwsy have fun, regardless of how we feel, or what we're doing, and you're so fuckin awesome its pretty much indescribable.
2. YOU, by far, are my partner in crime. And, whiel I don't think we've ever done anythign criminal worthy, besides lying to my mom about your brother's party, which is hardly criminal but quite entertaining, YOU are my partner in everything else. From Bio freshmen year and our constant bickering, to the soccer field where we constantly bicker about why we're alwasy defending each other, to sleepovers where we are WAYYYY too hyper and get asked if we're drunk, you and me are always in it together. You come to me for advice, and I help you out while sometime swonering how many times we're gonna go through the same situation, and you know hwat THAT is, before we graduate. A million I bet, but I will never get tired of it. You always return the favor, and you always provide a fun and interesting night, which is alwasy promising to leave me feelign better than I did to begin with. Reagardless of my mood, you always bring a smile to me face, and I love you to death for it.
3. YOU are my gateway to sanity... or, at least I thought. YOU are the other organized one, the other planner of the group. ANd, whiel I thought you were completely sane, and the most level of us, after your "Hey SHorty" escapade, I'm starting to think differently! Lol... thats good. YOU are my level of sanity in Algebra tho, when I wanna hit that teacher upside the head, you are always sitting in the middle to stop me... quite literally. You are always there for me, and our conversations are always long and windy, occaisionally getting completely off topic by the mentioning of one name... and you knwo who that is. But, reagradless of the reoccuring ADD that comes alogn with the aforementioned name, our conversations always having meaning, and something is always settled. I think I get, on average, abotu 5 emails from you a day, confirming this or that for SMAC, or confirming this or that for an outing for the weekend. I, by teh way, have no problems with these emails. You are one level-headed yet crazy girl, and your friendship means the world to me.
4. YOU are my bus girl. And I will refer to u as that for the rest of yoru life. Last year, we had the most amazing conversations ever, which occupied our long rides home to the best extent. I miss those meaningful conversations, and I miss those long bus rides. YOU are my wild and crazy girl, the one with the wild and crazy friends that make Semi all the more fun. YOU are the girl who has more happen in 8 hours of your life than an entire 6 months of mine. YOU always have an interestign story, or an amazing fact. YOU share a similar love of Desperate HOusewives, and on those MOndays after the show airs, we always have a bus session on our new theories of conspiracy on that show. YOU always fins a way to make me laugh, and your kartwheels.. omg they're just soooo amazing. You are so fucking amazing that it's a miracle that people don't just swarm you (thast a good thing).
5. You, my darling, are one of the coolest girls I have ever met. YOU go with the flow, regardless of what's goign on with your background, or who's trying to impress their thoughts in your mind. YOU are my English and Birthday buddy, and we share so many fun things together. Whether it's me singing, which you know I NEVER stop doing, or whether we're completing a "combined effort" assignment, we're always havign fun and laughing. Our birthdays are within a day from each other, and next year we so have to throw a party! You are so fuckin great! (and now, you'r bf will yell at me for curing at you, but its a good cursing I SWEAR)
6. YOU are my Algebra girl, my fellow Marino sufferer, and my fellow double math friend. We've been through soccer together, and now we're in gym together with Coach Ryan... that poor man, we will be the death of him. We've had so many fun times, whether we're doing YOUR dance in your car on the way to soccer, or we're pigging out on CHinese food before soccer, we hav sooo much fun. Your Sweet 16 is gonan be fuckin awesome, and so will POrtugal, whatever summer I wil be joining you!! I <3 You sweeetie!
7. YOU are the girl who ALWAYS gets me in trouble... in a good way. Whether you're yellign out random things such as "WHAT? YOU WANNA GIVE WHO HEAD?" or you and Katie Piotrowski are cheerleader lifting me up so I can see into some guy's window, YOU are a trouble maker and I love you for it. While you have some issues making up your mind abotu certain things *cough cough* YOU know I will always stand by and listen to you decide what to do. And YOU know I will always be here to comfort you and help you when YOU need it. YOU BETTER PLAY SOCCER NEXT SEASON OTHERWISE YOU WILL HAVE LOTS OF GIRLS RUNNING AFTER YOU TO HURT YOU! <3 (why I wrote this is pointless caze she'll never read it, but oh well)
8. YOU are the girl who is always silly, and alwasy keeps me entertained. WHether its you tellign me stories about vaiorus guys and your soon-to-be-stepsister, or me discovering that you'r enot so innocent, you always keep me entertained and smilin. I don't think I've ever had a conversation with YOU where I Haven't laughed. Regardless of what we're talking about, somethgin funny always comes out. YOU were there when I thought I was out-of-the-league, and YOU informed me that I wasn't. YOU're so encouraging, and I can't express how greatful I am to have a friend liek you. You are so absolutely wonderful, and you shoul so stop being innocent and GO "TALK" WITH THAT BOY!!!! NOW!!!
Well... I only got to 8, and Everwood starts in 10 mins, so I better go. I'd say that 8 long descriptions count as 10... yup yup. I'm gonna go with that one. COmment if you think you know who these 8 people are!!
Love You all!!
OK, I know that I didn;'t include everyone that I should have, and I'd like to apologize for that, espescially since I only completed 8. So, I have decided to complete my entry.
9-??. This is to everyone who I did not write about. I love all of my friends and accquaintances so much. Each and every one of you makes my day that much better. You all have your special little quirks and idiosynchricies (sp?) that bring joy and happiness into my day. You all are so special to me, and without you, my day and my life would not be the same. I know that every single one of you will always be there for me, as I will be there for you. You guys are so awesome, and I thank all of you for adding such happiness into my day. :)
<3 Kimi (again)