Dec 13, 2004 16:52

heres wat i wrote bout her:
Am I...
- am i cute? As a friend of course...
- am i pretty?...yes in a friendly way
- am i crazy? DUH lol jk but u r
- am i lovable? frined wise very
- am i funny? HILARIOUS
- am i annoying? nope
- am i psycho? there r days...
- am i daring? once in a great while
- am i a good person? OF COURSE!!!

Would You...
- would you hug me? yep
- would you miss me if i was gone? ABSOLUTLY (thats why u cant go to mercy)
- would you kiss me?...ewww no
- would you listen to my problems? i do and will alway
- would you be a good friend? i will try my bestest
- would you be my best friend? I HOPE AND WILL TRY TILL I DIE

Would You Ever...
- would you ever go out with me? not gay
- would you ever do it again if you already have? i dont get that question but i think its something *cough* related so no
- would you ever marry me if you could? not gay...
- would you ever make out with me in the rain? ewwwww no...not gay
- would you ever cuddle with me? ...NOT
- do me? Heck no...really not gay

If You Could...
- if you could give me a new name, it would be?
- if you could do one thing with me, it would be? watch spooky movies, jump on tramp, sled, and try to get over my
- if you could give me a piece of advice, it would be? stop being depressed...theres no reason...everyone luvs u!!!
- if you could kidnap me for a day, where would we go? to HAWAII...LOL

SoCcErGiRlMeG333: Just A Few Questions...
- what do you love about me? ur so funny, i can tell u anything, ur the bestest friend eva, and ur sooo NICE
- what do you hate about me? nuthin...!!!!!
- what is my best quality? ur ability to keep secrets and too help me and cheer me up!!
- if you could change one thing about me, what would it be? i luv u the way u r (friend wise mind u) lol
- what is your honest opinion about me? ur so nice, funny, and helpful
- what would you do if i sang out of tune? sing with u cause i cant sing either!!!!
- what song reminds you of me? yes its a band but w/e
- do i remind you of any characters on tv? noooo
- have you ever had a dream about me? i think so...
- do you think i'm a virgin? DUH...OF COURSE U R...u dont even like boys!!!
- if you just met me, how old would you guess i am? 12...sry
- am i huggable? YEP...friendly wise
- if you could give me anything, what would it be? another
- if you could promise me anything, what would it be? i will always be there for u

- am i ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, gorgeous etc.?....i am not gay...but friend wise, u r beautiful
- if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be? HILARIOUS
- when we first talked, what were your thoughts? ur funny, but shy and kinda mean (no offense or anything...i luv u now (friend wise AGAIN) but u like hated me in sixth grade!!!! u would never talk to me!)
- if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them? A GREAT FRIEND, nice, caring, always there for u, SKINNY, HILARIOUS, and the bestest friend foreva (plus brown hair, brown eyes...all that stuffs)
- what are my faults? u hate the snow...-_- and u might be going to mercy
- what are my strengths? u can always make someone laugh, keep secrets well, and r a GREAT friend
- do you wish we were closer? we r already REALLY close friend wise
- why aren't we closer? we dont need to be closer...i think we r as close friend wise as possible

comment if you love me I LUV ALEX AS MY BESTEST FRIEND

Heres wat alex wrote bout me:

Am I...
- am i cute? Like a munchkin
- am i pretty? I am not Gay/Bi... But Sure. ^ ^
- am i crazy?...In your own way
- am i lovable? Yesh
- am i funny? Yesh
- am i annoying?Nope
- am i psycho?...In your own way
- am i daring? Na
- am i a good person? Yeshhyeshhhhh

Would You...
- would you hug me? Hehe. Suuure. ^^
- would you miss me if i was gone? Yeshness
- would you kiss me? ...Where? :P
- would you listen to my problems? Of course, dear
- would you be a good friend? Yesh
- would you be my best friend? Yesh

Would You Ever...
- would you ever go out with me? ...To MCDONALDS... hehehehehehe
- would you ever do it again if you already have? I dunno
- would you ever marry me if you could? O_o ... You realleh want meh to be lesbian, eh?
- would you ever make out with me in the rain? ....
- would you ever cuddle with me? Sure ^ ^
- do me? I don't have the right reproductive organs for that. Hehehehehhee... And I am not lesibian! GOD

If You Could...
- if you could give me a new name, it would be? Moose
- if you could do one thing with me, it would be? Trampoline
- if you could give me a piece of advice, it would be? Don't worry, be happeh
- if you could kidnap me for a day, where would we go? Um.... To McDonalds?

Socks of a Leper:
Just A Few Questions...
- what do you love about me? Your hyper/happy/perfectionishness
- what do you hate about me? Your inability to hug guys. ^ ^
- what is my best quality? Um....... I like your eyeballs.
- if you could change one thing about me, what would it be? Hm... i would make you shorter
- what is your honest opinion about me? Yew are a very honest, fun-loving, active creature
- what would you do if i sang out of tune? ...Say you sang out of tune?
- what song reminds you of me? That EVIL song in your profile
- do i remind you of any characters on tv? Not reallehhh
- have you ever had a dream about me? I think....
- do you think i'm a virgin? ...God, yes.
- if you just met me, how old would you guess i am? 13?
- am i huggable? Yesh
- if you could give me anything, what would it be? A hug
- if you could promise me anything, what would it be? To be your friend forever. ^ ^

- am i ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, gorgeous etc.? A stripper. Hehehe. JK
- if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be? Megan
- when we first talked, what were your thoughts? God this girl has OCD
- if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them? You are near to perfect home-work wise, soccer freak and afriad of guys.
- what are my faults? HUG BOYS! HUG MORE!!!
- what are my strengths? Your brains
- do you wish we were closer? ...How close would that be?
- why aren't we closer? Hmmmmmmm....You need to hug people more

lol...we had fun!!!
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