Jul 19, 2004 18:28
°..___Personal Information___..°
First Name//: Lisa
Age//: 20
Gender//: F
Nickname(s)//: Lee, Lis, M-K (Mary - Kate by Kristen)
Hair Color//: Brown
Hair Style//: usually up, but lately down…depends on my mood….
Eye Color//: Blue/Hazel
°..___What is your favorite___..°
Color//: Babyblue
Game//: Sequence
Song//: “20 Years Ago”, “I Don’t Wanna Be”, “Not In Love”
Music Video//: *-None at the moment-*
Animal//: always loved Horses, and White Tigers (love their icy blue eyes and white fur!)
Sport//: SOCCER! DUH! ;) Go Rhinos!
Country//: USA
Movie//: Wedding Planner, How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days
Food//: French Fries
Best//:Krissy and Kristen
Funniest//: Kristen (ya dork! ;) j/k lol .. a lot of funny times we have)
Coolest//: Cathryn, Tess, Meg
Sweetest//: Carlos :)
Kindest//: All of them
Annoyingest//: Absolutely none of them
ditziest//: Kristen (in a funny way), Casey
Stupidest//: None of them are stupid
Most Intelligent//: All of them!
Athletic//: Tess, Cathryn
Boy(Girl)friend//: no
Are you in love right now//: no
Do you have a crush//: Yes! :) When ya see him…how could I not like him!? Sweet guy!
Do you have a stalker//: Not that I know of…hope not….
Do you miss someone right now//: Yes!!
°..___What do you do___..°
At school//: Work, hang out w/ friends, study
At home//: Sleep..Eat..watch tv..and talk online
Outside//: sun tan! When I get the chance too!
When you first wake up//: turn on tv for weather…read the paper..
°..___What _____do you hate___..°
Food//: any kind of seafood…yuck!
Color//: white
Hair color//: don’t hate any hair color
Tv show//: not sure…
Clothing style//: traShY!
Movie//: YaYa Sisterhood…fell asleep in the beginning and didn’t miss anything exciting…BORING!!!!!!
°..___Emotions Right Now___..°
Are You Happy Right Now//: Yes!
Sad//: No
Grumpy//: nope!
Annoyed//: Nah!
Angry//: no!
Sick//: nah!
Lonely//: no way!
Bored//: Yes
°..___Have you ever___..°
Made your own religion//: Uh nope!
Written backwards//: Yes! Use to do it in notes with Lyndsay when I was younger lol..Its hard!
Written your own magazine//: No
Drawn art//: yeah
Got angry with a game//: oh yeah!
Played Lacrosse//: only in PE class..scored too…not my thing tho!
Broken a bone//: Yup…in my hand
Dyed your hair//: Nope…ALL NATURAL! :D
Put in contacts for no reason//: haha no
Swam alone//: Don't think so!
°..___Things that come to mind when you read...___..°
Intelligentence//: tests
Stupidity//: mistakes
Depress//: heartbroken
Blood//: horror movies
Blue//: water in Puerto Rico…b/c it ain’t blue here! lol
Gray//: storm clouds
Sword//: a knight
Golf//: Tiger Woods
Soccer//: Carlos, Gabe, Rhinos, friends, metrostars, Tim Howard, MLS…list could go on!
Yellow//: smiley face
Socks//: name of the old white house cat…lol.
Ribbon//: yellow
°..___Random Questions___..°
Play Sports, if so, what ones//: Use to play soccer, love playing Badmitton w/ the boys at the picnic each yr. :), like shooting hoops
Have a lot of friends//: Yes
Write good//: when I want to yeah
Eat a lot//: yup, I guess… food is good! lol
Like the day Friday//: of course!
Like the month December//: Yeah! (that’s when Los was born! ;) lol)
°..___Do you(or are you)___..°
(DY)Give good advice//: I like to think so!
(DY)Talk crap//: haha who doesn't??
(DY)Play a lot of games//: nah
(DY)Wear hats//: n0Pe, only my Rhinos visors at games when its sunny
(DY)Like to be outside//: yes!
(AY) Always mad//: of course not!
(AY) Always happy//: Mostly
(AY) A good friend//: I try to be!
°..___This or that (Last questions)___..°
Night or day//: Night! Sleep is good! I’m a night owl
Snow or Rain//: snow…it’s prettier
Stars or the Moon//: Stars
Ocean or Pool//: Ocean…its pretty
Boat or Plane//: Plane
Books or Magazines//: Magazines
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards//: Uhh Neither
Blonde or Black Hair//: blonde
Green or Blue Eyes//: Blue
Pants or Shorts//: pants
Pop or Rock//: ahh I'd have to say pop!
Punk or Emo//:Neither
Tatoos or Piercings//: piercings(not out of control ones tho), some tattoos are cool too
Necklace or Ring//: rings
Clouds or No Clouds//: no clouds when tanning otherwise clouds are okay I guess :)
Art or Literature//: Art!
Jeans or Baggy Pants//: Jeans
Singing or Dancing//: Both
March or May//: May! (Like March tho too b/c Ashley my niece was born then…what a cutie!)
Halloween or Christmas//: Christmas =)
Coke or Pepsi//: Coke
Hug or Kiss//: both! :)