new poem!!!

Oct 19, 2004 17:18

hey guys i wrote a new poem. and i must is EXTREMELY only read if you are willing to take 5-10 minutes of your time. it took me three days to write and if you guys want to read it and criticize it then thats fine by me---give me good and bad parts about it. i truly want to hear! thanks!!


complete perfection is impossible
take the stars
they're by all means perfect
celestial beauty, grace, dignity
hopelessly free, and unwavering
pure, peaceful, and innocent
not a care in the world
playful, adventurous
dangerous in terms
serene, silent, elegant
soft to the touch yet sharp to the eye
melting like cotton candy on your tongue
lifting ever so gently as the wind whisks it away
to a place nobody knows
yet we always strive to find
a place where everything is as soft as a baby's touch
and as sweet as a bees honey
sweet as the smell of morning dew
as carefree as the wind through the trees,
when nobody can hear
when the silence echoes
softly, in your ears
when the silence becomes so loud,
that it overwhelms you,
that it engulfs your soul
and you have nothing to do but sit and listen
to the sounds of silence
deep within
the inner being
the heart
the soul
the mind
the true self
the parts of you that actually matter
the real you
the part nobody sees
and the part no one can truly express
the part you can't even see
yet you know its there
the only time you actually know its there
is when you finally let go
when you are just sitting there thinking
and something grabs your heart
letting yourself go
stopped for an instant
time stands still for you
and you alone
and you wait
and listen
to your heart
and there you finally know,
the true meaning of your being
why people enjoy your company
why you live for what you do
yet it always leaves questions
that will be answered only when
in an unknown time, when peace strikes again
moments of bliss
of peace
when it all becomes clear
that you have to do what you have to
and there are no second chances
no regrets
no way to go back in time
even though you wish you could
but only grab hold of the future
embrace it
hold tight
and not let go
and wait for the next opportunity
to realize yourself
and start the process all over
and again
for it is only you,
that can find this place
where peace and serenity embrace each other
and all is well
until next time
when the burning is stronger
emotion over comes reality
and the answers are endless
like the vastness of space
the darkness spreads
the questions are the stars
each shining bright
the closer you get to them the brighter it becomes
with endless possibilities
pieces of a much larger picture
put together to be whole
each equally important
each showing different aspects
of the same idea
different views
and exposing a new part
of the same soul
never revealed before
only realized when the time is perfect
neglected in the past
at a moment of opportunity
of infinite possibilities
one moment in time
where time stops
hanging at that moment only
snowflakes pause
and rest gently in their place
where the real world ends
and the perfect world begins
where dreams are realities
realities come true
and produce the perfection everyone strives for
in brilliant color
full of life
that perfect place in life
where everyone strives for the truth
getting closer and closer with each step
the truth peers out
and stretches its wings
where you become encompassed with the vastness of life
and you realize that you have to let go of all you have held on to
and let the true self fall
where you forget all that you are lacking
from the safety of self
to the peace of forgiveness
completely incomplete
as though it was all written in the stars
there is nothing in the world that can change your mind
rather let only your heart guide it
emotion for emotion
to become whole again
soul to soul
heart to heart
one mind
for all time
where the burdens are light
where you are the only one,
and no one changes
isolated from the worldly surroundings
in a world unlike any other
isolated from the sarcastic faces
the familiar places
and the hurtful words
a place where everything goes away,
and you don't have to change faces
to express unfelt emotion
to hide behind a painted face
there is no one but yourself
your true self
what lies ahead
is only what has lied behind
a place where I find peace
it is only you who can see what lies ahead
it is only faith that keeps me walking
a place where you find peace
toward that place
you must go freely
with hope
and faith
and trust
a calming storm
in an unknown future
on raging seas
but the craft holds fast
you will be strong
and go on unwavering
all you have ever wanted
in an instant
it is there
and then
in the same instant it was there
it disappears until another day
a single mistake
holding you back
needing to be pushed aside
disrupting the calm seas
and making waves
but when the seas calm
and the skies open
the light shines through
the light is born
even brighter then before
consuming all
the brightness is here to stay
for a while any way
unless you find a way to harness the light
and hold on to it for all eternity
through the sun it lives all day
and the stars keep the light alive at night
through the eyes of many
it can be seen

complex as it may seem
but yet some people possess such a quality
that generates the light
and enlightens the world of others
feeding the fire
in someone's eyes
this light lives on
to be seen by another
to be felt
to light the way
through the darkness of uncertainty
help someone get their fulfillment back
and to find that place
the light tears away all barricades
and heals all pains
the scars left behind
and the ones to come
are blinded by the light
in an instant
the darkness becomes light
all seems clear
and it is good
life goes on
the sun sets and the stars appear
eager to light the way
and yet another day goes by
a gift from the heavens
to start anew
and live with peace and comfort
and happiness
knowing that you have just experienced the greatest thing life can
a rebirth of sorts
of life
of truth
of hope
or opportunity
knowing that you are not the only one
who knows
the way to inner peace
and resurrection
the renewal of the body
and all its parts
together as one
and one to remain
forever and ever
until the day ceases to be
and the night no longer presents light
but rather

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