Jul 26, 2005 08:08
Kinda tired so ill just list some stuff...
*Spent all night thinking about what has consumed my mind for a long time now. I am still undecided. Still wishing and hoping...
*As I was leaving work, someone put their hand on top my head and when I turned around it was Ryan Jenkins. It was cool to see a friendly familiar face. We didnt get to talk too long b/c he had to clock in. It was so weird tho running into him. We had no idea where the other one lived, let alone work at the same place.
*The guy who asked me if i was married seems like he is trying to pursue something more than just friends. When I say guy, it sounds like im talking about some old dude. He's 22. But I think I got myself into a date someday between Aug 5 and the 10th lol. He was very persistant, kinda gave in but he is very funny and from what i can tell, sweet.
*On the way to work I didnt have to stop at any red lights! All of the lights were out. We just kept driving. I felt bad for the people trying to cross the street. They were prolly sitting there all night!
*Tomorrow is my birthday. Whoopie! Yeah right. Im going to come home from work tomorrow morning and try to sleep while the damn carpet people are doing their thing. Then i go right back in. Some bday!
*Going to Six Flags with Goldberg on Thursday. Should be a lot of fun. :)
*Should be asleep right now but I have chores to do and its not my fault I didnt get off til 6:30!
*We were told last night that we may have to go in on Sat for a few hours. Many people have off this week for vacation. YUCK!
*Fri- Get in some bro time
Sat- Lauren's farewell party
Sun- Peter's (nephew) Bday party. He's going to be 1!!!
Mon- meet with state police recruiter. Contact FBI recruiter
Tues- who knows...last day til i go back into work. But then i only work tues night, wed night, thursday night and my last day is Friday night.
If I forgot something and I promised someone I would do something on one of those days ^ please let me know. Ive just had a lot on my mind lately. Please forgive me...
*Wanted to give a shout to my Nagster. I love you so much and Ill see you soon!!!!!!! Have you missed your French Maid????
Count down til seeing my roommate!- 16 days!!!!!!!
*Should really head to bed soon. Geez, with this job, there's no time to even sleep. At least I dont have to do this much longer.
*Jen Jones, sorry I havent called. I hope u understand with my work schedule. Ill try calling tonight, unless tonight was ur concert?? idk, we'll see. MUAH!
Well, later everyone. I'm not really feeling myself a the moment. Have a good day!