Feb 06, 2005 18:44
Nickname(s): Caitlin George: Cady
Birthday: September 29, 1989
sign: Libra
What time is it: 6:31 pm
-_-ThIs Or ThAt-_-
Cuddle or make out? Not sure…….
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Chocolate
Milk, dark, or white chocolate? ALL OF IT!
Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla
Blue or red?: red
Wal-Mart or Target?: target
Spring or Fall?: spring..
Day or Night: night
Summer/Winter: Summer
Do you like scary or happy movies? Scary
Lust or Love?: Love
-_-In ThE lAsT 24 hOuRs, HaVe YoU...
Cried-_-? Yes
Helped someone? uh.. i dk maybe!
Bought something? Food
gone out for dinner? no
Said "I love you"?: yes
written a real letter? yupp
Talked to an ex? Not really an ex anymore
Missed an ex? Did..But now I have him
Written in a journal? Yes
missed someone? Yes
hugged someone? Yessss :-)
fought with your parents? Nope
fought with a friend? Nope
Name 5 singers/bands you listen to: Whatever Lisa,Matt,and Eric listen to.
-_-WoUlD yOu EvEr..-_-
Bungee jump? Heck yeah!
Kiss someone of the same sex? Think not
Have sex with someone of the same sex? I’ll pass…..
Parachute from a plane? Oh yeah!
Go out with someone for their looks? Nope
For their reputation? I don’t know.,..Doubt it
Sing karaoke? Do it all the time!
Run a red light? yeah
Dye your hair? Just did
Be on Survivor? Don’t want to….
NOT wear makeup in public? All the time
Cheat on a test? Sure
Make someone cry? Depends
Date someone more than ten years older than you? No thanks
Stay up all through the night? All the time
-_-PeRsOn WhO lAsT-_-
Called you: Eric
slept in your bed: Me!!!!!
Saw you cry: Eric,Lisa, and Matt
Made you cry: He He
you shared a drink with: I think Lisa
you went to the movies with: Lisa and Matt…Hide and Seek
you went to the mall with: Kelsey
Yelled at you: Ummmm…Taylor
Sent you an email: Don’t know
-_-HaVe YoU eVeR-_-
Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yes’um
Had a dream about something really crazy, then it happens the next day?: Heck Yeah!
Stalked someone?: NO!
Gone out in public in your pajamas: All the time
Kept a secret from everyone: yess
Wanted to hook up with a friend: Nope
Cried during a movie: He He Yeah
Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: Yeah
Planned your week based on the TV Guide?: Only when American Idol is on
Prank called someone: All the time
Been on stage: Think not….
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Watch TV
What was the last meal you ate?: McDonald’s
-_-AbOuT yOuR fRiEnDs-_-
Laughs the weirdest?: Not sure…
Going to have the most kids: Lisa…JK
Who have you known the longest?: Heather
Is the quietest: Taylor M.
Who is the funniest?: Megan B.
Who is the moodiest?: ALL!!!!
Who can you tell most of your secrets to?: Eric and Lisa
Who do you usually go to about all your problems?: Eric and Lisa
Do you have a crush on someone?: YESSSSSSSS’ UUUMMMMM!!!!!
Do you have a bf/gf: He He I don’t know what we are….S0o0o0o Sure!