Jul 15, 2008 09:07
How have you felt today?
tired...still a little jet lagged, therefore i woke up at 8.
When’s the last time you showered?
when i got up.
When was the last time you talked to your number 2 on top friends?
i don't have top friends, i don't have myspace!
And why might that be?
because...if i did, even more of my life would be wasted in front of a computer...like...right...now...
Have you ever cried and didn’t know why?
er...yes. i am female, as karis said.
What are you wearing on your feet?
Who was the last person to text you?
well...claire i guess. it was before i left.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
i'm going on a college visit to uni!
Do you like your name?
oh, most days.
What’s your favorite song?
Fieber by Christina Sturmer. I love german.
Do you like being in pictures?
when i'm warned about them. i don't like surprise pictures too much.
Are you happy at the moment?
wait, kirah's taking driver's ed? RUN!!! no just kidding. but yes, i'm happy. i'm going to get to see mary for the first time in like a month and get bagels and maybe watch some pride and prejudice?
Do you tend to fall for people easily?
not really...i tend to have lots of shallow crushes that come and go easily, but actual crushes usually take awhile to develop
What color is your hair?
it can't decide. sometimes it's more blonde, sometimes it's more brown
When was the last time you fell?
like fell fell fell? soccer season. no, actually playing frisbee like 2 days before we left for europe. but i have little fall-y type things every day.
What are you watching right now?
um. the computer?
Last person who drove you somewhere?
my daddy, home from the airport.
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Who was the last person that called you?
Are you a forgiving person?
yep pretty much.
What do you drink most often?
water probs.
What are you listening to right now?
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
What are your plans for tonight?
nothing for tonight, moreso plans for the day.
If you could move somewhere else, would you?
maybe if it was berlin. but i love iowa city.
Whats the last piercing you got?
If you had to change your name what would it be?
annabelle. but i think i'll stick to just naming my kid that.
What did you dream about last night?
i really don't remember.
Do you want to get married?
What were you doing at 4am this morning?
sleeping. dreaming my dream that i don't remember.
What do you usually do first in the morning?
look at the clock to make sure i really can't sleep anymore.
How many different beverages have you had today?
What is your favorite flavor of JELL-O?
Do you like to read?
What was the last book you read?
You’re in the hospital, who on your TOP friends comes to visit you?
er, i once again don't have myspace.
If alcohol were banned, what would your reaction be?
well. it would be bad, because then people would be like prohibition and start brewing it in their bathtubs and then the mob would get involved in distribution and yes. but personally, i'd be fine myself.
Name things about the opposite sex that automatically turns you off.
gross greasy long hair, cocky, stupid, thinks girls can't do anything for themselves.
Do people underestimate you?
oh sometimes.
Are you taller than 5’7"?
i believe i'm 5'8"
Ever been kissed under fireworks?