Oct 12, 2005 22:54
So yeah for things such as MySpace! It made me realize how out of touch I was with everyone, which in turn prompted me to IM people i haven't talked to in ages... and it helped me reconnect with people i have lost touch with for years!
So last night was the first time I have talked to my ex, Ryan, in months... if you count the time we hung out, technically, last summer when our friend Billy was in town. I don't really count it, which would mean it was the first real time I have talked with him since we hung out New Years Eve freshmen year of college.. for those of you I told that story to, the worse New Years ever where I had to deal with my best friend making out with her new hottie all night... yeah, anyway... it was great to talk to him. Hopefully I will get to hang out with him sometime in the near future. I miss him. He was always a lot of fun to chill with.
I talked to Tommy Bears!! It was so nice to talk to my T Bears! I haven't really talked to him since the last time I was in AZ... comments on LJ don't count for real communication, I have decided. Anyway, he now knows I am going to be in AZ, and promised we would hang. So LT, there ya go!! ;)
I talked to Dave O'Malley... you remember, the Chi Phi Chelsea kinda sorta hooked up with her freshmen year at our first date dash? Well, he goes to OSU now, where I am going to go next year. I am headed down there tomorrow afternoon, to chill Thursday and Friday night... have to go chill with my Rachie! Anyway, Dave and I decided he and I need to chill sometime tomorrow then, since he is going to be up in PTown Friday night.
It feels so weird heading down to Corvalis, being like, yeah, I'll hang out with all my old friends, and not including Kayla... she's the friend who turned bitch on my senior year of high school, then looked down on me for joining a sorority and partying all the time freshmen year of college - the one who is now the social chair, wait, i think the president now, of her sorority she joined as a sophomore. Yeah, i saw her once last fall, and it was so awkard. It was just obvious we aren't friends anymore, and I just wanted her to go away. It is so sad, since we had so much fun together in high school. Why do people go all bitchy, anyway?
Anyways, just wanted to mention how I absolutely love things like LJ and MySpace... and I miss you all, and will see you in a few weeks!!