(no subject)

Jul 26, 2005 08:20

Desert Eagle
You preferred a weapon with 32% power over speed and 60% range over melee. You use a Desert Eagle.
of the most powerful handguns in production, the Desert Eagle is a
heavy punch in a small package. Its reliability and speed are
remarkable for a gun with such high caliber. Your enemies won't stand a
chance as you fell them bullet by bullet.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 23% on power

You scored higher than 75% on range
Link: The What's Your Signature Weapon Test written by inurashii on Ok Cupid

1.smoked a cigarette - No

2.smoked a cigar - No

3.made out with a member of the same sex - No

4.crashed a friend's car - No

5.stolen a car - No

6.been in love - Maybe

7.been dumped - Yes

8.shoplifted - No

9.been fired - No

10.been in a fist fight - No

11.snuck out of your house - Yes

12.had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - Yes

13.been arrested - No

14.made out with a stranger - Yes

15.gone on a blind date - No

16.lied to a friend - Yes

17.had a crush on a teacher - Yes

18.skipped school - Yes

19.slept with a co-worker - No

20.seen someone die - Not to my knowledge

21.been on a plane - Yes

22.thrown up in a bar - No

23.taken painkillers - Oh hells yeah! You need them when you have wisdom teeth pulled.

24.love someone or miss someone right now - Yes

25.laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - Yes

26.made a snow angel - Yes

27.played dress up - Yes

28.cheated while playing a game - Yes

29.been lonely - Yes

30.fallen asleep at work/school - Yes

31.used a fake id - No

32.felt an earthquake - No

33.touched a snake - Yes

34.ran a red light - Yes, but not intentionally.

35.been suspended from school - No

36.had detention - No

37.been in a car accident - Yes, damn SUV waved the person on and the person couldn't see so had to trust the SUV driver. Oh and guess what the SUV driver then did. Yup, thats right drove away from the scene of the accident.

38.hated the way you look - Not really, I just need a few more pounds of meat on me, not fat.

39.witnessed a crime - Yes

40.pole danced - Once, or twice...

41.been lost - Yes

42.been to the opposite side of the country - Yes, was born that direction.

43.felt like dying - Not really. Death is so blase'.

44.cried yourself to sleep - Don't think so.

45.played cops and robbers - Yes

46.sang karaoke - Yes, BADLY!!!

47.done something you told yourself you wouldn't - Yes, but not something that important.

48.laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - No

49.caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yes

50.kissed in the rain - No

51.sing in the shower - Yes

52.made love in a park - No

53.had a dream that you married someone - Yes, mind you thats a dream I hope to fulfill someday.

54. glued your hand to something - Yes, I build models so I have glued my hands to each other more times than I can shake a stick at.

55. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - Thankfully not.

56.worn the opposite sex's clothes - Two words, Sir-rong (At least thats spelled the way it sounds.)

57.had an orgasm - Possible... :)

58. sat on a roof top - Yes

59. didn't take a shower for a week - No

60.ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - No

61.played chicken - With a car no, as per in a pool with people on shoulders yes.

62.been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - Yes

63.been told you're hot by a complete stranger - Yes

64.broken a bone - Yes, that birthday sucked.

65.been easily amused - Yes, sleep deprevation and painkillers do that to you.

66.laugh so hard you cry - Yes, and I can go one better, laughed till I bled. Ask if your confused how.

67.mooned/flashed someone- Yes

68.cheated on a test - When the teacher forgets they left some of the answers on the walls it kinda makes you cheat.

69.forgotten someone's name - (counts the number of times, raises hand) GUITLY!

70.slept naked - Yes

71.gone skinny dipping in a pool - No

72.been kicked out of your house - No

73.blacked out from drinking - No

74.played a prank on someone - Yes

75. gone to a late night movie - Yes

76. made love to anything not human - Yes, dream people arn't real.

77. failed a class - Yes, understood everything a week after that sections test. Did better than everyone else on the final.

78.choked on something you're not supposed to eat - Yes, words count right.

79. played an instrument for more than 10 hours - Thankfully I am not in the cult band from Lassiter and never will be.

80.cheated on a gf/bf - Nope

81. ate a whole package of oreos - Not by myself.

82. thrown strange objects - Yes

83. felt like killing someone - Well, not actually killing them, more like maiming.

84. thought about running away - Yes

85.ran away - No

86. did drugs - Perscribtion counts right.

87. had detention and not attend it - No

88.yelled at parents - No

89.made parent cry - No

90.cried over someone - Yes

91.owned more than 5 sharpies - Yes

92.dated someone more than once - No

93.have a dog - Yes

94.have a cat - Yes

95.own an instrument - Yes

96.been in a band - Yes

97.had more than 25 sodas in one day - Yes

98.broken a cd - Yes

99.shot a gun - Yes a few; civil war pistol, bb gun, bb rifle, paintball gun, and bow (yeah its not a gun but its the precursor to them)

100.been on livejournal for more than 5 hours - Not straight no, but overall yeah.

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