some thoughts.

Sep 15, 2005 16:00

Question: Is it short-changing yourself or acting smart to settle for less when what you want will most likely never happen?

PLEASE tell me who wrote this... PLEASE!!!!

Dug this up.

28 ways to make a girl smile.
1. Tell her shes beautiful
2. Hold her hand at every moment
3. Kiss her cheek
4. Write her letters
5. Always tell her you love her
6. When she gets mad, hold her tight; If she starts fuming make it a kiss.
7. Recognize the little things
8. Call her sweetie and baby
9. Sing to her
10. Pick her over your guy friends
11. Let her do anything that she wants to do
12. Introduce her to your family and friends
13. Play with her hair
14. Pick her up or tickle her
15. Push her on a swing
16. Tell her jokes
17. Throw pebbles at her window at night
18. Let her fall asleep in your arms
19. Call her back when she said she`ll call you
20. Give her piggy back rides
21. Carve your names in a tree
22. Buy her ice cream
23. Treat her the same way around people as you do when you're alone
24. Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants
25. Look in her eyes
26. Kiss her in the rain
27. Slow dance with her .. even if there's no music.
28. If you're in love with her, tell her.
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