Oct 23, 2005 17:53
SO, this weekend was my last "outdoor" games for Farmington..I mean, i'm never going to play outdoor with them ever again..it's really sad. Wow they are like the best people, and some of my close friends. What am i going to do with myself till spring (for high school soccer)? I am just realizing that next year, we're not coming back, and were all going to make new friends! we're all going to different places and are goign to become diff. people. I'm going to miss some people so much, college won't be the same. AM I the only person to think this? SO, from now on i'm goign to forget all the drama and all the "boy" crap and have FUN. It's our SENIOR YEAR..even if school sucks ass..and i have 2 c's going on my report card. I REALLY just want my last year..to be a year i'll never forget. well i'm done..haha comment bitchsssssss :) ~mel~