What A Day. . .

May 26, 2005 22:45

Havent updated in a while. I've been busy. Dont remember much from the past few days, except something about bright flowers ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

lightninstriker May 27 2005, 02:54:24 UTC
You always know how to cheer me up and that made my week. Thanks for everything and always being there. You know I'm here too. I can be serious when I really want to be. Thanks again my adorable little odd character. ;) ~Linz~


soccer_stud14 May 27 2005, 02:57:51 UTC
You're very welcome. I just want to try to make you nearly as happy as you make me. Also, thank you for always being there for me. I know you can be serious, life's just more funn when things arent serious all the time. HaHa, 'adorable little odd character' nice phraseology.


lightninstriker May 27 2005, 03:02:12 UTC
Oh, but I thought it was quite nice. How did that even get started? Look how you distract me! You always find a way to do that... like the other night. You were avoiding something by changing the subject.. look! I don't even remember what u were distracting me from so I wouldn't remember!! Ugh...


lightninstriker May 27 2005, 03:03:39 UTC
oh yeah, and you want to add me as a friend?? please :)


_wishiwaswitu_ May 29 2005, 03:51:49 UTC
hey brad, its sarah
that was funny when ur
like yea i scored howd
u no! lol i had fun wit
u tonite!



soccer_stud14 May 29 2005, 04:15:03 UTC
haha, tonite was funn. definitely gotta do it again.


_wishiwaswitu_ June 1 2005, 03:44:16 UTC
yes, yes we do!!


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