oh my goodness!

Mar 22, 2006 13:04

o wow i havnt been on Live journal in so long! Steve actually reminded me i had one! Myspace has totally taken over, although i do miss writing down what ive been doing so, um here goes:

- Started playing bass in jazz band and love it.
- Our musical MUSIC MAN was excellent
- we had a full crowd all three nights (sry i didnt get to see you steve!)
- i cried for about an hour on staurday because it was my last musical with all the seniors :(
- had an amazing cast party at tylers and got to hang out with my best friend aaron.
- o i made a new friend, aaron lalone, we are best friends now :D
- talked with a few ppl i havnt spoken with in a while
- volleyball season ended, we had an amazing record, i think only losing to two teams
- went paintballing a few saturdays ago, that was so fun and now i have ring marks on my body from where i got shot.
- went bowling with all my senior/ junior friends and had so much fun
- softball has started and it is amazing.
- im playing catcher and im playing in a varsity tournament over april break
- aaron came over a few weekends ago and we played videogames and he taught me some stuff on bass
- did LOTS of laundry
- and thats all i can think of as of right now that ive actually done thats fun
- im home sick today :P

well finished readin les miserables, now i have to write 1200 wrod essay on how it comepares with the fugitive. i must say i enjoyed the book fully and cried at the end when jean valjean dies :( very tragic. chorus is good, seriously havnt sung in about 5 rehearsals. french horn solo is good, i found out it is unacompanied so there goes nothing! um vocal solo is good. somehow italian level sixes arent fun when you dont speak the language. My vocal jazz solo, well havnt looked at it at all yet, im sure i will be fine with the inprov thouhg, just losten to jason mraz for a few hours. haha

sprots are great last wekk took alot out of me though. i didnt get home until 10ish every night. I did do the painting for all the sets on the music man.
well i cant believe all the seniors are leaving in 4 more months :( after the last show, it really made me see how close i got to all of them.

well heres an update, who knows when the next one will be. :P
much love always -Alli
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