Apr 22, 2011 16:55
I went to bed late, so I woke up around noon in time to take a quick shower and go to my Exit Interview with Dr. Fortner. The exit interview was meant to figure out if the ChemE program is doing what it is supposed to be doing. I said that it mostly was, but gave it some places to improve on. A large part of our meeting ended up being about what I'm doing next year including he offered to help me out a little bit which is super nice. I just have to send him my resume some time soon. After the exit interviw we worked on our part of the lab stuff for about an hour and a half and then uploaded it to the dropbox. Ended up pretty well. After that, I don't really remember what I did before Good Friday mass. It was kind of bad weather, so I might have taken a nap for a while. Or maybe I was working on Design a little bit. Either way, during mass, someone passed out again during the Our Father. Good Friday mass seems to do that to people. The tornado sirens were going off throughout church, but Father Gary was keeping an eye on the weather with his phone throughout mass which was kind of funny. After church I hung out for a little bit waiting for the raint o stop and then walked home. Then all hell broke loose because it turned out that the airport had been hit, so Alexander Rivera couldn't get home. He was actually on the plane, but after having to wait for the bad weather to blow through, they made them get off the plane because the tornado went right through the airport. Luckily everyone was fine, but it was still scary. Alexander eventually made it home and stayed with me for the night.