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Oct 25, 2005 19:27

today was definitly a bittersweet day...

i had my last xc race...i got a PR..but i thought that i could've done better...oh well. :)

i'm sad because my xc season is over...and i'm happy because it's over...idk...
i'm getting kinda tired of running...but at the same time i <3 it. it's complicated. haha.

overall..my best xc time was: (today) 22:09

but at the "pancake" race i got 21:43... i haven't decided if i'm going to count that as a "P.R" or not.. :)

school was extremly boring and this entire week we're having our quarter 1 "quarterly tests".

i offically failed my civics and econ quarterly test..it was so hard...it was all about the amendments...and..well...my teacher never taught us any of that. :0. so...he better curve the grades because the entire class ( literally ) failed that test.

oh!! ok... funny story time! :) haha.

ok...so i was eatinglunch outside...and i walked away from my bookbag that was like 1/2 opened w/ my lunch sticking out of it...to go and talk to my friends...ok...well i turn around and this like huge fat kid...(some freshman obviously) stole my lunch! :0 omg! i was so mad...because i only got to eat 1 thing. then becca was gonna help me go over there (because obviously i can't take a big kid like that by myself..haha.) THEN the bell rang! and he ran away! :(
so i was hungry the rest of the day...
ok..so my story wasn't that funny at all... :) it's still awesome! :) haha.

now off to do tons of homework...if only today was friday!....
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