This weekend was definetly a good one

May 02, 2005 20:31


Every one came over my house. (Jill, carly, amelia, mike, jon, dan, eric, and joe) I love you guys! we were all so desperate but i had a good ole time. Jill you are freakin sweet i love how close we have gotten and amelia you are just flat out hilarious excpecially on friday and carly i am so glad that we are finally hanging out more we are such a sweet girl. As for the boys, lol way to take one for the team dan,lol we owe ya one. Poor joe next you can just go upstairs and try to sleep i felt really bad! Jon and eric you guys were hilarious and eric i know that ball was your way of trying to get us girls to jump on you lol. Yea and mike i dont no about those 3 iou's we'll see how that goes but you are an awesome friend.


Yea so saturday I saw the scariest movie ever, amytiville horror(i dont no how to spell it). It was me lauren and mike. We were all pretty scared so all held hands to keep ourselves from losing it. lol We hit up nci with jill and eric. Then we went back to my house and lauren went home. Yea thats where things got interesting. I am not saying what happened was bad, i just hope things turn out good thats all. I dunno enough about that.


Went to the varsity hockey game to watch my bro play, they won 11-2!!! mike was there and everything was normal which was good. Then laura came and thats when i got uncomfortable because afterwards she was talking to jackie about jackie's breakup and her own. I dunno felt weird. but im over it. once again i just hope things work out this time.

yea so that was my weekend. oo and i got my prom dress its ok i geuss, im just happy i have one. I just hope that this last month of school is good and goes by fast!! Cant wait for summer!

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