Hogwarts, Class of '92

Aug 01, 2009 11:58

First year character sketches. Only have about 1/3 finished, as of yet, working on the rest.

This is, by the way, the class that graduates in '92. Not the class that starts in '92.

Donovan Bell
Melanie Chapman
Regina Clarke
Gideon Crumb
Virginia Meeks
Tagan Farriday is an half-blood orphan from Cornwall. As a younger child, she lived with one of her cousins, but one morning he left in a rage and never came back for her. She's been living in a muggle orphanage since then - and was surprised when Professor McGonagall showed up along with her Hogwarts letter. It wasn't as if she didn't know that magic existed, or anything. Her best friend is Tabitha Cooper, who shared her bunk at the orphanage.
Oliver Wood, the son of an Irish novelist, has had his sights on one thing, and one thing only, since he discovered Diagon Alley. That particular thing is quidditch. He's very much looking forward to his flying classes (though he wishes Potions would just take a hike) and can't wait until he's allowed to try out for his house team.

Horace Anderson
Tabitha Cooper is the muggle-born daughter of two people who she never knew. She spent her entire life in Tillingham House Orphanage, part of it with her best friend Tagan. She's ecstatic to learn about Magic, and can't wait to get started. Anything to get her away from that orphanage is a-okay where she's concerned.
Tara Hatton
Marcus Hatton
Rachel Masters
Sturgis Podmore
Stan Shuntpike
Arnora Yaxley is a rare bird. Raised in a nest of vipers, she gained her disposition to care for others from a neighbor child she knew when she was young. In a home where love did not exist and attention was reserved for those who broke the rules, Arnora decided that Hogwarts could be different. A constantly cheerful child, her main desire in life is to make other's feel appreciated and happy.

Heathcote Barbary
Jeanette Beauchamp
Nivea Carslile
Rebecca Hitchens
Christian Maynard
Amanda Norris
Orsino Truston
Nicholas Watson

Adrianna Bagnold likes to appear tougher than she actually is. She was raised by her rigid Aunt Josephine after her parents deaths, and has always lived in the shadow of their disgrace to the family. She might not look like much, but she is clever, and she learned strategy at the knee of merciless people. She wants to become something, do something that will restore her family's faith in her - or completely destroy them so she can't disappoint them anymore. Either of the two will suffice.
Theodora Fitzgerald is a willowy, pinched-looking blonde from Wanlockhead, in the Scottish Uplands. She's a pureblood, and having been raised in society, she has no use for anyone who hasn't. Her sole goal in life is to be married to the next Minister of Magic.
Jeremiah Gallagher is Irish, bred and born. His family line shares several branches with the Apollonis tree, and is one of the more prominent pureblood lines in Northern Ireland. Jeremiah is nothing if not stuck up - he abhors dirt, grime, and hard labor. But behind his aristocratic mask is a highly intelligent mind, and he excells at writing papers, and arguing positions. Jeremiah assumes he will be taking over the family jewelry business at the conclusion of his time at Hogwarts.
Melissa Regent is quiet. In fact, if you couldn't see her, you probably wouldn't be aware of her presence. From her very first class in it, Melissa is obsessed with Charms, and spends much of her time in the library, learning as much as she can. There is a good deal of money to be made from the creation of new charms, and she's not about to miss that boat.
James Robinson is a small-ish boy from Cornwall, whose wizard father never quite explained to him what odd things would happen when he got mad, or scared. From the moment the owl arrived, inviting him to Hogwarts in the fall, he has been fascinated by the Owl Post system, and has a fancy that someday he will rise high enough in the ranks to know all of the secrets that keep the owls going where they ought to go.
Celine Silsbury is a half-blood from central London, Kensington and Chelsea, and while she isn't necessarily the most cultured witch ever, she has her share of street smarts. Her father bunked when she was very small, leaving her mother with three children to take care of. Being the oldest, she has been helping her mother for years. She has a foul mouth, and a full arsenal of sarcasm. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life yet, but knows it has absolutely nothing to do with begging for food.
Sebastian Teague is too down-to-Earth to be snotty. Hailing from the wizarding village of Carrick, in Devonshire, Sebastian sees no reason to burn any bridges before they've been of use to him. A fervent writer, he hopes to someday own the Daily Prophet - or perhaps build a paper of his own from the ground and steal away all the Prophet's loyal readers.
Phillip Travers isn't quite sure what to do with his life. He supposes he'll just do as everyone before him has done, be in Slytherin, excel, restore the honor to the family name that his father lost by being caught with a Dark Mark on his arm. Perhaps someday he will get to meet the Aurors who locked his father away. That would be an interesting day.
Elisabeth Willis is the daughter of a tavern owner and the former apothecary of Hogsmeade. She is quiet, but not closed off, and wary, but accepting of alliances. She wants to see the world, just travel and learn. She wants to experience more of life than her mother had the chance to. So she has an inkling of a plan that she'd like to be a curse-breaker, or something of the sort, when she comes of age.
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