(no subject)

Jun 20, 2009 00:25

Words from aymiah. Feel free to comment here saying "WORDS!" if you want to do this meme. I'll give you five words that I associate with you, then you can go to your journal and elaborate on each of the words.

MUSIC ► Is my anti-drug. No, really. If I didn't have music in my life, I think that I would be a totally different person. It's a kind of creation, a kind of artistic expression that puts a face on my reality. Everything is music (Not to be confused with 'everything is music I like. Because I don't like all of it). If you know me, you know I am always singing, humming, tapping my foot or my fingers to some kind of beat, because music runs in my veins all the way down into my soul. It's a constant.

REPUBLICAN ► O-kay. So, I've gotta be straight with you here. I really don't know what 'Republican' means anymore. Because all I can see right now are politicians who serve big business and special interests instead of the people who voted them in in the first place. Republican, Democrat, Independent. They're all screw-ups, and none of them are standing up for the little men who gave them the job they have today. So I should clarify that I am, at the moment, a RINO - Republican In Name Only. I prefer to avoid the shame and the stigma of political parties by simply calling myself a Conservative. (And even then, I am slightly socially liberal. Perhaps moderate would be a better term.)

MT. STERLING ► Is my hometown. I go through alternating periods of love/hate for Mt. Sterling, and I usually cycle through them over the course of just a couple of weeks. We've got a Wal*Mart (which will ALWAYS be the hang-out spot), a Movie Theater/Bowling Alley, and a couple of parks. Six dozen churches (or at least it feels like that sometimes), a pretty cool car auction. Lots of gas stations. Nosy neighbors, law abiders, law breakers. Then there's the school parking lot where everyone in the city learns to drive. I have days where I can't imagine living anywhere but here for the rest of my life. But those are few and far between, shoved between days when I feel so stifled here that I can't even breathe, and I know that as soon as I can I just have to get away. Mom says I'll come back someday. I'm kind of afraid to say that I won't. But I also don't want to say that I will.

HARRY POTTER ► OMG HOW TO BEGIN?! I first heard of Harry Potter on the news, and despaired of ever getting to read it, so I rolled my eyes and called it a 'literary fad' (I was eleven, wth?) and moved on. Then my parents bought the first book and we read it in the car on a two-week road trip that Christmas. I was hooked. Every book since then, I've stayed up, snuck into the bathroom where I could turn the light on and not be found, never set the book down until I finished it. My favorite character is hands down Remus Lupin, as anyone who knows me can attest. People who know me can also testify that I detest the movie version of Prisoner of Azkaban, becasue I don't feel that it did justice to Remus' werewolf form, OR the backstory of the VoldWarI generation. The seventh book ended, and I was shell shocked for a while, but then I decided that it didn't end there, and picked my fanfiction back up. I'm currently working on a series detailing the years between the end of book 7 and the epilogue. And of course, in the back of my mind I'm always working on Veritaserum, which I am (slowly) co-writing with dementedmei

EKU ► See, I have the same sort of love/hate relationship with EKU that I do with Mt. Sterling. I love it, but at times I am so stifled by it that I long for something bigger. Some days it's city, but most days it's wide open spaces. I live in a dorm room in Richmond, but I dream about a ranch house on the plains of Texas. I want to... I don't know, raise horses and host dances for the kids in my big barn, and raise a family. ---- BUT BACK TO EASTERN: I work in housing - but not for much longer, after this summer I'm done. I also work for the music department, and that job is probably going to last until I graduate. I have a love/hate professional relationship with one of my professors, even though I adore her in normal non-university life. I'm a senior, but honestly I'm thinking that designation doesn't mean ANYTHING because I still have at least two years left in school and then I have to go through grad school. Someone shoot me now, please? If I'm being honest with myself, there are LOTS of days when I'd rather give it all up for my MRS and just keep house. But I don't know if that's in the cards for me or not, so for now I'm planning to get the best education I can with what I have.

hp and the writings of awesomeness, wearing my right wing extremist cap, an institution of higher learning, my friends: cooler than giraffes, mt. sterling: it's a love/hate thing, this song makes me think of you

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