Oct 30, 2004 18:12
wow. once again havent updated.... heres what has happened...
Thursday: After xc practice i got a massauge from Kevin for like a half hour. I was very happy because Brenda pushes way to hard and Jason doesnt push hard enough, so it was good that Kevin was there for a change. Then ran home showered and then ran back to school and watched vollyball game. Then went home typed up Pe stuff and then did english essay and then made cookies for cross country. And then packed my bag for xc.
Friday: XC meet. Ran 26 min. Woot. Bus was late so I didnt get home until around 8. So then i walk home and robbin is here. Very surprising. So then i ate dinner with robbin and family. yay.
Today: Haircut. Got stuff at michaels.