Moonlight and Lusting Chapter 32/? Stormy Weather

Nov 23, 2011 20:41

Things seem to be getting better - right? Jasper can help, but will it be enough?

This chapter rated PG.


“Seriously Harold, what were you thinking?” Ianto asked. He’d taken a nap after coming back from their walk and was now making dinner while talking on his mobile. “Jack’s supposed to be resting and reconnecting with me, not playing fetch with a bloody dog.”

“You wouldn’t have gone if I told you the truth,” Harold replied calmly. “Besides, I didn’t know for sure Jasper would decide to help Jack.”

“And how is Jasper supposed to help Jack?” Ianto asked. “You make it sound like Jasper’s got some sort of mystical healing powers.”

“It’s hard to explain because it’s different with each person Jasper has helped,” Harold explained. “Look, just give it a few days and see how it goes.”

Ianto closed his eyes and sighed. “Alright, no harm, no foul I suppose,” he said. “I’ll talk to you in a few days. Bye.” He ended the call, pulled the Sheppard’s pie out of the oven and placed it on a trivet to cool down a bit. Supper was ready so Ianto walked into the sitting room to tell Jack, but found Jack fast asleep on the couch. Jasper was lying next to Jack and the dog opened its eyes at Ianto’s approach. “Jack, supper’s ready,” Ianto quietly said. Jack responded with a light snore. “Fast asleep at last,” Ianto said although he wasn’t sure if he was saying it to Jasper or himself. Ianto snagged a blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over Jack. Jack had slept so little since they’d rescued him and when he did try to sleep he woke up screaming from his nightmares. Supper could be reheated later because sleep was more important just now.

Returning to the kitchen Ianto dished up his serving of Sheppard’s pie and also prepared some dog food for Jasper. Taking both back to the sitting room he placed the dog food dish on the floor by the couch in case Jasper was hungry and then Ianto sat down in the armchair and ate his supper. Jasper hopped down from the couch and ate his supper before returning to his spot next to Jack.  Ianto took the dishes back into the kitchen, did the wash up and put the rest of the Sheppard’s pie into the refrigerator.

Ianto found a book to read from the bookshelf and sat in the comfortable armchair, making certain the light from the floor lamp wasn’t shining in Jack’s face. He was thoroughly immersed in the plot when Jasper drew his attention to Jack, who was muttering in his sleep and looking distressed. Ianto got out of his chair to wake Jack up but Jasper beat him to it by licking Jack’s face. Ianto watched as Jack woke up enough to escape his nightmare, blearily looking at Jasper before turning on his side and going back to sleep. Jasper watched Jack for a moment and then settled back down in his spot next to him.

“You clever little dog,” Ianto said sitting back down in his armchair. Jasper had caught Jack just when his nightmare started and stopped it before it could trap Jack in its clutches. Jack was finally getting some recuperative sleep which he sorely needed. Ianto read his book while Jack continued to sleep.

Jack opened his eyes and came face to face with Jasper. “Hello, Jasper,” Jack said. Jasper licked Jack’s face causing Jack to chuckle and then the dog jumped down to the floor. Glancing around, Jack realized he had fallen asleep on the couch. Ianto was asleep in the armchair with his legs stretched across the matching ottoman, an open book lying across his chest. Jack got up quietly and draped his blanket over Ianto before letting Jasper out the kitchen door.

Ianto walked into the kitchen yawning, “Morning.”

“Morning,” Jack replied embracing Ianto and kissing him lightly on the lips. “Last thing I remember is lying down on the couch for a moment waiting for you to call me to dinner. What happened?”

“Exhaustion and Jasper happened,” Ianto replied stepping out of Jack’s embrace to make some coffee. “I came in to tell you supper was ready and you were sound asleep. You needed sleep more than supper, so I left you alone. The fascinating part was what Jasper did.” He hand a mug of coffee to Jack.

“Thanks,” Jack said taking the mug from Ianto and taking a sip. “What did Jasper do?”

“Every time you started having a nightmare, Jasper licked your face to wake you up just enough to bring you out of your nightmare and then you’d go back to sleep.”

“Really; I don’t remember any of it. How many times did it happen?”

Ianto thought a moment; “Four times before I fell asleep. Main thing is you slept for over twelve hours - how do you feel?”

“I’m not as tired as I was yesterday; still not fully recovered though,” Jack admitted.

“It’s a start,” Ianto said hearing Jasper barking at the back door. He opened the door and Jasper, tail waving happily, trotted into the kitchen.

Jack crouched down and hugged Jasper. “You’re a good dog, Jasper; thank you.”

Jasper, Jack and Ianto fell into a routine: Walks in the mornings and afternoons, Jack and Jasper playing fetch or tug-of-war while Ianto checked his e-mails or did the wash up. Jasper would wander into the kitchen and nap whenever Jack and Ianto started snogging each other. Every night all three would sleep in the bed and Jasper would keep vigil and wake Jack up whenever a nightmare started to invade Jack’s sleep. Jack and Ianto were feeling rested and stronger with each day. Ianto dared to hope they were back on track.

They were out for their morning walk when dark, fast moving clouds appeared and they headed back to the cottage running and laughing. The rain pelted down soaking them by the time they made it back to the cottage. Jack carried Jasper up the stairs and plunked him down in the bathtub because the dog had mud all over his paws, belly, and tail. Jasper was one unhappy dog as Jack shampooed and cleaned him up. Twice Jasper tried to escape from the tub only to be thwarted by Jack’s quick actions. Ianto took a couple of pictures with his iPhone of Jasper covered in suds looking sulky and miserable. Finally Jack rinsed Jasper off; towel dried his fur, took him out of the tub, and placed him on the floor. Ianto got one more picture of Jack flinching as Jasper did a whole body shake from the tip of his nose down to the tip of his tail shaking what little water was left on his fur right into Jack’s face before tearing out of the bathroom at full speed.

Ianto and Jack quickly cleaned up the mess from Jasper’s bath and then they changed out of their wet clothes before heading downstairs.

“Care to spend the afternoon with me watching movies in the sitting room? I’ll get a lovely fire going in the fireplace and we can snuggle,” Ianto suggested.

“Just snuggle? What if I want to snog you silly instead?” Jack asked pouting slightly.

Ianto kissed Jack on the lips. “Whatever you’re up for, Cariad; I’ll go light the fire while you make some hot coco for us. Deal?”

“Deal,” Jack agreed.

Ianto got the fire going just before a clap of thunder boomed right above the cottage and the lights went out. “Bugger! Well at least I’ve got the fire going; now where are those candles?” A quick search and he found the candles on the bookcase top shelf along with some matches. He lit two, left one on the end table by the couch and then carried the other one with him to go check on Jack.

“Jack, how’s the coco coming?” Ianto asked. Jasper barked in reply, but Jack didn’t answer. “Jack, where are you?” The rain intensified, pummeling the cottage. Ianto couldn’t see very far with the single candle’s light but he followed Jasper’s barks into the kitchen, past the kitchen table and found Jack on the floor. Jack’s eyes were screwed shut, his shirt drenched in a cold sweat, mouth open gasping for air, hands flailing. Ianto quickly put the candle on the kitchen table, fell to his knees and pulled Jack into his arms. “Jack, it’s okay, you’re alright, Cariad,” Ianto said trying to comfort him while Jasper huddled against Jack’s side lending his comfort as well, but Jack was still trapped inside his mind. Clearly Jack was suffocating and panicking - Ianto was afraid Jack would end up having a heart attack.

Terrified for his life mate Ianto morphed into his lycan form barely aware of the pain in his arm. He ripped both his and Jack’s shirts off knowing the skin-to-fur contact would help Jack. Ianto pulled Jack into his lap and turned him so their chests were touching and tightened his embrace. “Come back to me, Jack,” Ianto said before beginning his lycan song. He poured his soul into calling his life mate back to him. Jasper briefly added his voice to Ianto’s, understanding the love and the urgency in Ianto’s song. Ianto felt Jack’s flailing and gasping slowly subside. Jack was finally able to breathe and he tucked his head against Ianto’s neck inhaling his familiar scent and wrapped his arms around Ianto’s neck. Ianto finished his song and stroked Jack’s back to comfort him.

“I need to get you off this floor Jack. Do you think you can stand up?” Ianto asked. Jack nodded and got off his lap. Ianto helped him stand up and wrapped his arm around Jack’s waist while Jack draped his arm over Ianto’s shoulders. Together they walked back into the sitting room. Jack sat down on the couch and Ianto grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch. He sat down next to Jack and wrapped the blanket around them. Jack again wrapped his arms around Ianto and tucked his head against Ianto’s neck. Jasper jumped up on the couch and curled up against Jack.

Carding his fingers through Jack’s hair, Ianto continued to calm and reassure his trembling mate. Finding out what triggered this flashback would have to wait.


A note from socalrose: What do you think happened to Jack? Comments and questions are always welcome!
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jack_ianto, lycan, moon_lust

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