Stripers, stripers, stripers.....

Jan 07, 2005 02:14

So I went to the dentist today, I got 2 permenant crowns, 2 teeth ground down and 2 fake crowns on thoose, plus 1 filling and 1 pulled wisdom tooth.

But then got asked to udge, that's right judge, the 2005 stripper contest semi-finals at the Larry Flint Hustlers club in Garden Grove!!!!!

Well I had a ball, But thought of Gatsby all night, sorry to bring up your name, but had one hell of a time useing the knowledge of stripping I learnd, to judge the contest..... YAHOO for free drinks for the judges!!!!!!!!!1

Love you all, Hope to hear from you soon,

The Pirate King.... No Matter What!!!!!!!!!!!

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