Oct 11, 2005 20:11
I feel old.
And not in that oh you've been getting on in your years old, just different old. Whenever I walk around campus now (which is only twice a week since I work the other days) I see about a million faces I don't recognize, and the ones I do are always a quick passing hello since we are all so frantically busy these days.
The other evening Jamie, Skyler and myself were looking at old photos of ourselves from freshman year and comparing them to how we look now. I'm not going to lie, I cringed at some of the pictures of me wearing some silly fuzzy brown hat or proudly holding up a bottle of smirnoff ice. My how times have changed, and for the better.
It's weird how this year I feel so much older than I have in the past. I feel like my past 3 years of college have been smashed into one and now I'm like a whole new person. Sort of. I wonder if I'll be saying the same thing in May when the time comes for me to graduate?
ps- is it a bad thing that a glass of pinot grigio really helps my screenwriting?