's been a while.

Sep 29, 2004 22:21

We definitely got some way cute girls from recruitment. Super excited about the newest Tri Delta pledge class at the UA. Frat boys get ready cause we're serenading and we're going to blow you away with the new girls. I'm for sure enjoying getting to know each and every one of them even though I for sure didn't get a lil sis. I'm still a little bitter about that but there are always COBs and spring pledges and of course a new fall pledge class next fall. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that I get a lil sis at some point cause I really really want one.
I am a T. I am a T-R. I am a T-R-I D-E-L-T-A. We are the B-E-S-T best of all the R-E-S-T rest. I am a T-R-I D-E-L-T-A.

Wow it's been forever since I've actually put something in here. Here goes an update on my life:

Class Schedule for the semester:

Mondays: 9-9:50 am Biology
Tuesdays: 12:30-1:45 pm Accounting
2-3:15 pm Chemistry
3:30-4:20 pm Trig
Wednesdays: 9-9:50 am Biology
10-10:50 am Chemistry Discussion
11-1:50 pm Chemistry Lab
5-7:50 pm Biology Lab
Thursdays: 12:30-1:45 pm Accounting
2-3:15 pm Chemistry
3:30-4:20 pm Trig
Fridays: 9-9:50 am Biology

So far school is way hard and evidently I need to really get my butt in gear to get the grades I want. I know college is supposed to be hard but this year is damn near impossibly thus far. I know I'm a smart person and I can definitely pull the grades because I've done it before but this year is just kicking my butt so far. I'm going to have to do something about this and start taking charge to show these classes who the boss is. Who's the boss? It's me! It's me! Labs are way fun so far cause I actually get them. The rest is kind of a blur to me at this point. If you've never seen a semester from HELL come visit mine sometime this semester. You all know you want to cause you miss the amazing Kari so much.
I'm having tons of fun participating in Greek activities for my sorority and other greeks on campus. I'm signed up for like everything. Partly because I love volunteering and helping others out and partly cause we get super cute shirts for everything we do. This Saturday is Beta Theta spike and my team is going to kick ass. KKK is on the loose on Saturday playing volleyball and drinking up a storm. Watch out boys...we get pretty wild. I love my PICs!!!
The apartment looks super cute and I'm totally excited with the way my room turned out. There were some minor issues at first due to room sizes and bathrooms being in hallways. We got it dealt with and it really isn't bad at all having my bathroom as the community bathroom. We adjust to it and help out with toilet paper for that bathroom so that I don't end up spending more since most people just assume to use my bathroom since it's actually the only one you can find without going through our rooms.
We had our first date dash of the year. My date definitely flaked on me but I'm not holding a grudge. I'm still a little hurt but apparently he flaked cause I caused him to get his cell phone broken during a meeting. Oops, sorry. I almost didn't go to the date dash cause I didn't have a date but I'm really glad that I did go. I only cried for the bus ride to the location and then after that I had a blast dressed up as an 80s chica. The theme was Saved By The Bell. I for sure miss seeing that show on TV. At least my roomie, Colbi, has episodes on DVD so that I can still relive the fun of Saved By The Bell.
Definitely already have road trips to CA planned for the semester. We can't go through a semester without a road trip to Cali. It's just not Kari, Katie, and Colbi style to not go to CA. We're driving out for the USC game on Nov. 13th and I may also be out there for the UCLA game on Oct. 9th, but we're not positive about that one yet. I'll keep everyone up to date on my visits to CA. Not homesick yet but I do miss the family time that I had last year when I was in CA going to PCC. I'm over it though. It's not like I'm gone forever. The joys of college, getting away from home long enough to realize that you want to live where home is for the rest of your life. I love my life here but I do miss my life in CA too. I miss Barbi and the Boogie and Ty!
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