(no subject)

Feb 13, 2004 19:16

Things stirring up over here in the Golden State. In regards to yesterday's San Francisco gay marriages...

(From MSNBC) California Superior Court Judge James Warren refused to issue a temporary restraining order to halt the ceremonies. He said the groups seeking the order -- the Campaign for California Families and the Alliance Defense Fund -- did not present convincing evidence that such marriages would cause irreparable harm."

Ok. Look at one of said organization's sites and it reads like Fred Phelp and Pat Robertson got together over lunch to do some FrontPage work. Focusing on improving California families should have NOTHING to do with their firm mission of blatant discrimination against gays. Let's hear one for Judge James Warren! WOOT!

Oh, and while I read the LA Times every day, I had to pick up a copy of the (much smaller, and much less useful) LA Daily News today, whose front page headline was "Defiant gays marry in S.F." Defiant? Hmmm... in my opinion, that's a pretty bold statement, kids. Defiant makes it sound like gays deserve a spanking.


I had my doubts about Gavin Newsom (Newly elected San Francisco mayor) to begin with... but...

(From MSNBC) "I don't think there is anyone in good conscience who can tell me that denying the same rights my wife, Kimberly, and I have to same-sex couples is anything but discrimination," said Newsom, who maintains that the equal protection clause of the California constitution obliges the city to grant marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples."

I give Gavin some mad props! Now, if only the mayor of Los Angeles would follow suit... but, he's too busy re-naming neighborhoods, cutting city programs and pointing fingers for budget woes.

Damn. The activist in me is re-surfacing, gents and ladies. This having enough time to read the newspaper at work is NOT a good thing. Bub is angry.
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