May 12, 2006 17:08

Before I get down to the quizzy goodness, I have

1) I am doing this to avoid constructive activity. I have one 5-page paper to research and write in the next week, 2 more that are 80-90% done, and feel like doing exactly NOTHING constructive right now. I plan on finishing the larger paper tomorrow morning and BSing the last of the other paper Sunday morning or afternoon, then researching for the other paper so that I can complete that during the week. I know what I'm doing.

2) Yes, if I wanted to post something, I COULD finally post the update on my Spring Break. Hell, I could post the things that have hapened SINCE Spring Break--particularly last weekend, which was so wonderful and entertaining for me. But that would be a LOT of typing, and a lot less fun and pointless than I want to be right now. So those posts will have to wait, and I'll probably back-date them to before this one anyway to account for it. Y'know, for future or infrequent readers.

3) The last real-life update was FAR more recent than the last mass-quiz post. 'S been too long.

4) ...C'mon, who doesn't love quizzes? ESPECIALLY ones with a Disney theme to 'em?

Now then... that said...

What Disneyland attraction are you?

The Mark Twain: A leisurely paddle steamboat navigating the Rivers of America in the 19th Century! A venerable Disneyland institution, you date to opening day in 1955 and respresent stablity, tradition, and a healthy dose of Americana. You never make your passengers seasick (in part due to the fact that you role along your secret underwater track) and always offer some great panoramic views of a Frontier mining town, New Orleans, and back woods glimpses of wildlife and injuns straight out of a Samuel Clemens tale! Small children and old folks like you best, but that doesn't mean you don't know how to get out and enjoy the nightlife, you play "Steamboat Willie" in the nightly production of the Fantasmic! Spectacular. Just one question, just how is that you are always managing to be headed "down river"?
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Where would you live in Disneyland?

You're crazy! Go work at KFC! You're a kooky, colorful toon! Somepeople may think you are really crazy and annoying, but you are just an innocent and loveable character, who only tries to do his/her best. Go be silly somewhere.
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Which Kingdom Hearts Disney Villain Are You?

You are the Master Control Program (MCP) from the movie "Tron". You are an artificial intelligence system created by the slimeball Ed Dillinger, and you end up thinking that you can run "900 times better than humans". So yeah, you take over all those computer systems at Dillinger's ENCOM company thing, and kill off opposing programs. Unfortunately, Tron and his little buddies end up killing you and your general, Sark. Too bad. In Kingdom Hearts 2, you're back again, but you exist in a different computer with similar motives. Why do you want to take over the world, anyway? You're a giant and strange-looking face on a spinning red conic thing. In fact, one South Park episode modeled Moses (yes, THAT Moses, you know, from the Old Testament) after you, and it was quite humorous. Anyway, you speak with a refined accent, and you rule over a really old computer system that's probably full of viruses. Maybe you're a virus. Maybe that's what's wrong with the computer you reside in. Stupid viruses. Flynn should have installed a virus protector. But yeah, you are extremely arrogant, and think you're better than everyone else... but you're NOT! Well, frankly, I find that you look rather frightening. It wasn't easy looking for images of you.
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Uh.... ok, sure. So, on the flip siiiiide...

Which Kingdom Hearts Disney Hero Are You?

You are Tron from the movie "Tron". You are a security program originally created by a nerd named Alan Bradley (who looks exactly like you, except he has giant 80s nerd glasses.. Actually, the actor Bruce Boxleitner looks exactly like you as well. Coincidence? I think not.). Anyway, your computer system thing is a corrupt place run by a crazy Master Control Program (MCP), and you and all your other blue program friends hate it. In Kingdom Hearts 2, however, you exist in a completely different computer (probably because the movie "Tron" had some real outdated technology), yet almost none of your blue program friends exist. Ansem also happens to be your User, instead of Alan. Ansem also revived the MCP and Sark, somehow, and your system is once again corrupt. However, Sora and co. join you and help free the system again by defeating the MCP and Sark, and you are ever-so-happy that a lame user like Sora helped you. You also learn how to feel User-like emotions, and end up giving Sora a big hug. Awwwww... Anyway, you are a computer program, which means you can't feel real emotions, but in the end of KH2, you prove to be a lovable and adorable program who just wants someone to talk to. Too bad you were kind of lame in the movie.
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....Is this as funny to everyone else as it is to me???

Which Disney character are you?

You are the Beast. But don't worry, he turns into a really rich guy with a hot girlfriend and no manners.
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Which Firefly Character Are You?

You are "Wash" Washburn, the pilot! You love to fly, and you're a natural at what you do -- you are a leaf on the wind. You and Kaylee the mechanic make a great team in keeping Serenity out of trouble and in one piece. You're a bit jealous of your wife Zoe's loyalty to her captain, but you're just as loyal to Serenity herself, and you're always there to provide backup or a swift getaway -- or both. Your quick wit and dramatic flair make you a fun person to be around, though your jokes often cause uncontrollable eye-rolling.
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Which Firefly girl do you belong with?

Kaylee - You like people with sweet, bubbly personalities, at least partially because their enthusiasm and happiness are contagious. Though they have an easygoing nature, their feelings are easily hurt. Be loyal and considerate.
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Who would you be in Trigun!?

You would be Vash the Stampede!Vash is an outlaw with $$ on his head, dead or alive. Still, nobody can collect that money because Vash is much to skilled! However, he does not like killing and he always tries to save as many lives as possible...
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...Alert the press, we have a shocker...*rolls eyes*

Trigun: Which Member of the Gung Ho Guns Are You? (Cool Anime and Manga Pix)

You are Leonof the Puppetmaster, a.k.a. Emilio the Player, the fourth Gung Ho Gun. While you appear to be faily timid, you actually have a bit of a sadistic side. Also, there's some things in your past that you're trying to bury.
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