May 25, 2004 14:42
Ok so I took 2 finals today and the rest are left for Thrusday. I've been reading Illusions. It's a really good book and it is making me examine the way I look at life. I think by the time I'm done with the book my feelings about certian people will be resolved or at least my decision about the way I feel and how I'm going to handle myself will be.
So this slightly different outlook on life goes something like this (remember it's not refined yet this is just a rough idea):
We live for 2 reasons, to have fun and to learn. Everyone pretty much agrees that there is SOMETHING after death... Life is like a movie. We are the writers, the directors and the actors. If we don't like the way our movie is turning out then we should change it. Why would anybody choose a horror movie or a bad lifetime? Because they think they deserve it for horrifying someone else, or they like the excitement of it, or they think that is the way it should be. Some people enjoy believing they are helpless. they are unhappy because they have chosen to be that way, and it's alright. You are free to walk into or out of anybody's movie, you can even change the plot. I think one of the most important things to remember is you can change the plot of your own movie as well. "look at the sky," he said...I looked at the sky. There was some broken cirrus, way up high, the first bit of moonlight silvering the edges. "pretty sky," I said. "It is a perfect sky?" "Well, it's always a perfect sky, Don" "are you telling me that even though it's changing every second, the sky is always a perfect sky?" "Gee, I'm smart. Yes!" Yeah, every person's existence is a perfect one even if it's different from someone else's. We need every person to make the world what it is. We shouldn't be afraid of change, we should embrace it. It's ok if we make "mistakes" because it is all a part of our own personal movie and we make the plot what we want it to be. If we aren't happy we can always do something to make it better. We are responsible for the way our character feels. If something shitty happens you don't have to feel crappy for a long time. You could just accept it for an event in your story and move on.