Title says it all! Free show at 8pm at M Street Coffee. We hope you can make it! Seating is limited in this intimate venue, so get there early!
Here's the lineup:
Theatre Unleashed presents
Through a Caffeine Haze: Watching the World Go By
directed by Gregory Crafts*
@twitts by Pamela Moore*
- Goreti Da Silva as @redlipstick
- Joshua Morrison* as @sitcrulez
- Zack Weinstein as @lumberjack
The Writers by Susan H. Pak
- Keana Hall as Sara
- Carolyn Morse* as Paula
Cupid's Beau by Barbara Lindsey
- Gregory Crafts* as Peter
- Lydia Dorsey* as Lacey
featuring music by OneHighFive (
http://www.myspace.com/onehighfive). Check them out on iTunes & request them on KROQ's Locals Only!
* indicates a member of the Theatre Unleashed ensemble.
As always, we look forward to entertaining you!