joy oh joy

Oct 02, 2005 01:54

UW is awesome! I love it here! So I haven't posted in forever.... but since Becky tagged me then I guess I better post... ;)

10 things that bring you joy, and tag 6 people to do the same...

1. The feeling after a really good workout
3. Secretly (well i guess it's not a secret anymore) compliments, especially from people i dont really know that well
4. Finishing HW early and having FREE TIME! (that doesn't happen very often!)
5. Shopping.. and finding really really really good deals!
6. Outgoing and optimistic people
7. Reading a really good book, one that keeps you turning the pages
8. Music, with meaningful lyrics
9. Accomplishing set goals (even the little goals like trying to get up by 9am)
10. and of course, the BF! :)

I tag... anyone who hasn't done this yet!
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