Revenge of the Sith

May 01, 2005 12:53

The dark is generous, and it is patient.
It is the dark that seeds cruelty into justice, that drips contempt into compassion, that poisons love with grains of doubt.
The dark can be patient, because the slightest drop of rain will cause those seeds to sprout.
The rain will come, and the seeds will sprout, for the dark is the soil in which they grow, and it is the clouds above them, and it waits behind a star that gives them light.
The dark's patience is infinite.
Eventually, even stars burn out.

Dan and Button have gone to see Green Day and I have the whole apartment to myself all weekend. How did I choose to employ this luxury? I bought the Revenge of the Sith book and read it in one virtually seamless 8-hour session.

I won't give any of the story away (unless you ask me to), but I will say one thing: The movie should be awesome. Industrial Light & Magic/Hollywood ought to make the battle scenes an incredible spectacle; my imagination is finite when it comes to processing words while trying to visualize lightsaber slashes and turbolaser shards. The movie screen will do these scenes much justice, no doubt.
Really, the only thing that could ruin the movie is Hayden Christensen's acting, especially some of the dialogue he shares with Palpatine. If that's the case, then perhaps the movie is as doomed as an ice cube on the planet Mustafar (mild spoiler). Hayden Christensen has had three years to take a few acting lessons, so he might surprise us.

I had to read the book, though...simply because of the remote chance that Lucas hasn't had any sense knocked into him since Episode II, and will butcher his masterpiece by fucking up the last chapter. I wasn't going to let Lucas's vision be my first interpretation of it. I had to read it without the corruption I.L.M. brought to The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Now that I know what the story is like in my own mind, there's nothing Lucas can do to upset me.
And of course, the movie could still end up being absolutely incredible.
I'm still optimistic, but I'm glad my first and lasting impression of the story is my own.

-Grievous, out!
Indeed you are, you vile creature. Out of luck, and out of time. -Count Dooku
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