Inspired by interactions in the
Hotel California Panfandom RPG, this is a joint project between two women who adored the idea of Jack recruiting Buffy to Torchwood. Perhaps they adored it a little too much, but that remains to be seen.
Title: So Buffy Met Jack...
Authors: Amy
tainted_crimson & Sarah
magicomCrossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Torchwood
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Comments 7
Thanks for reading!
Thank you both so, so much for this! It's absolutely brilliant. You've got Buffy's characterization nailed down completely and it's SO much fun to see how she interacts with the Torchwood staff, because it's so Buffy. In my experience, she's the character that I've seen butchered the most in fic, so it's incredibly refreshing to see her written so well here. I've also thoroughly enjoyed your Torchwood characterizations, even though I'm a really new fan (and completely new to the fandom!) they also seem spot on to me. I love the interactions between Jack and Ianto and Buffy. <3 ( ... )
My awesome co-author, Amy, is the power behind our very excellent Buffy and I think she does a great job, too, and I'm sure she's absolutely thrilled by your compliments.
We have more guests from both series in mind for the future, so we hope you'll stick with us :) The next installment is already in production!
Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading!
Will the Doctor be making any appearances? Would be fun to see Buffy interact with him.
It might end up a hundred chapters!!
*Runs to next chapter*
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