Politics Re: Gov.Gen. Appointment

Aug 19, 2005 14:54

Dear Crazy Lady on CBC,

Having dual citizenship is not un-Canadian. Having French citizenship does not make one anti-Canadian. Bitching about Michaelle Jean's dual citizenship as if it makes her an insta-traitor is insulting and makes you sound like someone who feels 'Freedom Fries' is an admirable and necesssary name-change. Many, many Canadians hold dual citizenship. It does not make us less Canadian. It is one of the things that makes us awesome. So, please, shut up.

Also, Bernard Lord and Gordon Campbell: Michaelle Jean has no obligation to tell anyone how she voted in the 1995 referendum. Please stop demanding she do so. It is embarrassing and lame./rant

Whee, CBC broke their depressing labour dispute broadcasting to warn about a possible tornado/severe storm! Blow, wind, blow!

politics, canada, cbc

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